Any fundamentals can be learned without wasting time on certs like the A+. It's fine you disagree, but I'm letting people know my experience. Cloud Guru and Linux Academy played a big part as well. Amazon's own white papers on securing a virtual environment alone are worth an in-depth read. While yes they do cover services that they offer, they also speak in general terms. AZURE, GCP etc are going to have the same services with different names.
People are free to do what they please, but I'm directly speaking to those that want to make over 6 figures. There is no point in hustling backwards at this point.
If someone wants to learn basic fundamentals Network + is a better investment than A+. Even with Net +, I would just learn the basics and then actually start studying for the Cloud Practioner or Solutions Architect exam be it AWS, AZURE, or GCP. I chose AWS because at this point in time it carries more weight.
A + isn't going to teach the command line. For that someone should look into a Red Hat Linux certification.