Self Made
@FreshFromATL Do you know of any sufficient Tableau training programs? Depending on some moves I`m working out for this month I wanna self learn it one weekend and take a SCRUM cert class. Would you say a training tutorial of the basics in Tableau is sufficient for someone who can grasp stuff fairly quickly? i.e..Learn foundations then be able to play around to learn more advance functions. Dont want to just take a tutorial and list it on my resume if there is much more to it.
I learned Tableau mostly hands-on at work and through self-study. Have you ever used any BI reporting tools? If so, that would definitely ease the learning curve of Tableau.
Go to this link tableau tutorial - YouTube and follow whichever tutorial you can digest best. Also, go to Tableau's website and download the software, they have great tutorials as well. If you list it on the resume, people going to want to know the type of dashboards you've developed (operational, analytic, etc.), if you've created calculations, used action/global filters, done any data blending, used data extracts, etc. All of this can be understood/learned via the tutorials.