Exactly. These companies aren't your friend. They may be friendly, but it's mostly to keep you around when they are paying you less than you are worth. Something I learned is if you are competent, for the most part, your higher ups will leave you alone and be friendly to you. If you are incompetent, they will constantly mess with you up on your job. But even with that said, if things get tough, they will can you and not think twice. They don't care what you have going on in your life and how much you need money, etc. If they believe they can save a buck by hiring someone else, they'll can you too... so being buddies with these companies thinking they are loyal to you will only result in you being underpaid, and when things get tough, they most likely WILL can you if it helps them out. If you wait for someone else to make moves for you, you will always be getting the sorry end of the deal.