Most of the questions are ones that i saw here:
CompTIA 220-801 Certification Practice Test - Free Test Prep and Review at - CompTIA 220-801 Certification Practice Test
CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Test Questions
The 802 had a few parts where you had to make changes on the interface.
Match motherboard components to the correct name
Configure a static IP address
Choose the correct features in Windows XP, Vista, 7, or all 3
I fukked up on one part it said if computer A&B are connected on a network and computer A changes its IP address, computer b is no longer connecting how would you fix it. Had to do it from the command line
These are cool tests. I only got 37% of the questions right, but I had no clue wtf I was doing. I feel like I could actually pass this with some studying. Would you recommend taking a class for this or just studying on my own. Im intrigued by this sh1t. I get tired of asking others to fix sh1t I could be fixing