It says so much about our society the way people line up and chose teams, over what is clearly written as mutually flawed and imperfect people, as we all are. Instead, people line up according to gender. Regardless,
Probably my favorite show whenever it comes on, and as I spend more time in LA, I love the show even more. The writing and direction is as good as anything else on TV, a contemporary look at not only people/culture, but a city, which is a character of it's own, from the high rises of DTLA, to the neglected schools in the outer areas of Compton. In truth, the show is about people, and their strengths, and weaknesses, no different than you or I. Molly struggles to set boundaries, from a relationship, that is unhealthy, yet for a time, drowned her insecurities and fears in sex, and sweat. But, she sets the boundaries, and taking the key back is step in asserting herself.
Issa and Daniel both struggle with their insecurities and vulnerability, intimacy and friendship between former lovers tainted with the fear of being hurt, rejected, not wanted. I see the hardline some posters take on these dilemmas, and it's just bizarre to me. Daniel is entitled to sleep with who he chooses, but he has an obligation of both friendship and consideration to be respectful of Issa, just as Issa has an obligation to be clear in what she wants from their relationship, and what her intentions her. It's the endless dance of poor communication, and immaturity, real honesty and emotional maturity solves all these issues, but who doesn't know how hard that can be?They have a much tighter bond than anyone on the show, but Molly and Issa.
The real heart of the show is Issa and Molly, whose friendship and the sharply written lines that reflect it. "Just say you broke the vase" "It was broken when I got there", the music, the effort that they put into creating realism. It is essentially a flawless show, without a weak episode, or weak moment yet.