You ninjas won't even go this hard for black people, but somehow I'm supposed to believe you care about the Palestinians so much.
Nah, you're see through. You hate the Jews, and that's it. That's the story.
Either you're a troll or you're just plain stupid. Palestinians are the closest relatives to the ancient Canaanites and Israelites in the region. In other words, Palestinian Arabs are Jews that learned Arabic and became Muslims and dropped Latin, Greek, and Aramaic and left Judaism and Christianity. There are still plenty of Palestinian Christians and Jews. The latter got absorbed into Israel.
Black people feel for the Palestinians because their plight is a mirror of ours. The occupation of Palestine mirrors, colonialism in Kenya, apartheid Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), apartheid South Africa, colonial Algeria, Jim Crow America, etc. I have never seen so many dead/mutilated men, women, and children in my life as I have seen in the last 2 weeks (i don't even look for those things because I can't stomach it). Muslims lived peacefully with Jews for almost 1400 years while whyte Christians expelled them at every opportunity. Black people and Muslims don't have an anti-Semitic problem. The only reason whyte Christians even support Israel is so Jesus can come back and wipe them out. How anti-Semitic is that?
I've ignored most of your comments on this thread because I thought that you just loved being a contrarian.
You keep getting angry at people for disliking Jim Crow Joe instead of "being angry at Congress".
It wasn't congress that said they saw 40 imaginary kids
It wasn't congress that hugged up on Netanyahu right after he destroyed a hospital, lied on Netanyahu's behalf, and then gave him 14B to continue a genocide
It wasn't congress that said not that many people have died in Gaza (fake numbers)
I could go on and on. If you want to vote for him go ahead. But stop bothering others for not wanting to vote for a genocidal maniac.