We Are NXT!
Let's not act like the briefcase can't change hands. Otis was a failed experiment. Not to say Theory will be but I'm just reminding everyone of the fact.
When Angelo Dawkins get that solo pushNo problem with it, but they need to mind they're p&q's when he wins the title because I'm getting Orton post summerslam 04 vibes out of him.
He should be in a good spot when Hays and Breaker is moved up and dude from Street Profits go solo
Put up one killer Theory promo brehWhat’s funny is Theory is exactly what these fans that claim to hate him would want in a talent
He’s incredible in ring (check out his EVOLVE stuff)
Came up on the Indy circuit
Has Mic and ring presence
Can cut a promo at the drop of a dime
If he was *gasp* some A*W up and comer with a “I can out wrestle you” gimmick, he’d have a stan brigade all across the web..
His hate solely comes from Vince standing next to him.. all you’ll hear during is rise is whataboutisms from people who want their favorites in his spot.
I saw a nikka saying Ali should be getting Theory’s push. L O fukkin L
I see nothing special w/ him. I don't watch RAW every week so maybe I missed something but I don't see why people are saying he does good promos. I saw a few of the promos he did in the Pat McAfee feud and he comes off like a fkn lame.
This promo is corny as hell. Ppl really acting like this dude can work the stick? ()
I see nothing special w/ him. I don't watch RAW every week so maybe I missed something but I don't see why people are saying he does good promos. I saw a few of the promos he did in the Pat McAfee feud and he comes off like a fkn lame.
This promo is corny as hell. Ppl really acting like this dude can work the stick? ()
Legend Killer was gas, very deserved push, just making him a good guy was maybe a mistakeYep too soon, he reminds me of 2004 Randy Orton and we saw how that mainevent push / World title reign ended.