Is this true that the Buddha was black?


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
way to support your argument with nothing

I'm laid up :yeshrug:

I'll explain how organized religion was established before modern man and how it got warped the farther you get from Africa some other time, young buck :pachaha:


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I'll explain how organized religion was established before modern man and how it got warped the farther you get from Africa some other time, young buck :pachaha:


Which you will support with what in this case specifically?


May 1, 2012
It goes back to what @lotty said, those books are biased and full of fiction. Common sense doesn't cost anything.

@lotty is an idiot, but I for some reason pegged you as being smarter than he is.

It doesn't matter what you think about Buddhist religious literature, the fact is they exist and can be referenced. To make the claim that Buddhism "came from horus" it must mean you're basing it on something to have come to that conclusion. Right now you're offering nothing.


May 1, 2012
Again, we are saying African or associate certain traits because of how the world works NOW. We are living under the world of the way whites see race. The WHOLE world is like this. This is not how it would have been back then. There would have been no reason to describe other traits because everyone else had them. This is why I gave the example of white people as we know them today, are only 6,000 years old. You are bringing the ways of the world today, into those of yesterday. Chances are most of the people in the land had black features. Now we are speaking on India and it has two different environments. The north more cooler, and the south more hot, and humid. This will give different looks, so there were a few who had a mixture to them but most would have looks of what we call black today. Again this is most likely why the brahmin used his blackness as a way to dis him. It was a way to say he was of lower caste. Of course it wasn't true but it was a dis of using who he was to talk down on him.

You have to take into account the caste system started close to 2,000 years ago. This is when the mixing of the people of india stopped. So there is a strong argument he had African features once you put everything into its context, science wise.

So you're saying he never asked if he was Buddha for certain things to happen?
"Their finding, recently published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, made waves when it was revealed that genetic mixing ended 1,900 years ago, around the same time the caste system was being codified in religious texts. The Manusmriti, which forbade intermarriage between castes, was written in the same period, give or take a century.

Thangaraj says the study shows only a correlation between the early caste system and the divergence of bloodlines, and whether one caused the other is a debate better left to historians. Nonetheless, it puts a stake in the ground, marking the moment when the belief that one should marry within one’s own group developed into an active practice."

Here's another article about the genetic history of India's tribal populations:

From the article:

Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down only through women, shows that the Onge and Jarawa people belong to a lineage, known as M, that is common throughout Asia, the geneticists say. This establishes them as Asians, not Africans, among whom a different mitochondrial lineage, called L, is dominant.

You are way too caught up in physical appearance.

The Buddha was an Indian prince, he didn't look anything like them anyway.

Also you're reading that link he referenced incorrectly. It was the BUDDHA who was making fun of the brahmin's (ambatta) black skin. Uh Oh.
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My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
@lotty is an idiot, but I for some reason pegged you as being smarter than he is.

It doesn't matter what you think about Buddhist religious literature, the fact is they exist and can be referenced. To make the claim that Buddhism "came from horus" it must mean you're basing it on something to have come to that conclusion. Right now you're offering nothing.



May 20, 2012
Here's another article about the genetic history of India's tribal populations:

From the article:

Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down only through women, shows that the Onge and Jarawa people belong to a lineage, known as M, that is common throughout Asia, the geneticists say. This establishes them as Asians, not Africans, among whom a different mitochondrial lineage, called L, is dominant.

You are way too caught up in physical appearance.

The Buddha was an Indian prince, he didn't look anything like them anyway.

Also you're reading that link he referenced incorrectly. It was the BUDDHA who was making fun of the brahmin's (ambatta) black skin. Uh Oh.
Since you want to call me names, then you are one stupid motherfukker. Everything you posted is WRONG, and helps my case but because of your being a dumbass you can't even see it.

First. The story we are speaking about is the Buddha who was in old age being dissed by a young brahmin. Learn how to read. So UH OH to your dumb ass. Here's the quote:
"The dialogues of the canon depict the Buddha at various ages and stages of his career, but in this dialogue he explicitly describes himself as elderly (…vuddhehi mahallakehi ācariyapācariyehi…) and so the situation is of a young Brahmin insulting a non-Brahmin who is significantly older than himself."

Second. The people you are speaking of are not who I'm speaking of, they are from the Andaman Islands. They have no connection to the subcontinent of India but, they do with Asia which your link shows. This actually helps with the argument we had in the other thread on the statues of Buddha having kinky hair and being a "black" Asian. Learn how to comprehend what you're reading dingbat. These are the Onge, and Jarawa people. This is a quote from the article YOU linked:

"The mutation, known as Marker 174, occurs among ethnic groups at the periphery of Asia who avoided being swamped by the populations that spread after the agricultural revolution that occurred about 8,000 years ago. It is found in many Japanese, in the Tibetans of the Himalayas(area of the Buddhas origins) and among isolated people of Southeast Asia, like the Hmong.

The discovery of Marker 174 among the Andamanese suggests that they too are part of this relict Paleolithic population, descended from the first modern humans to leave Africa."

The article stated they aren't African meant they are not people from Africa who migrated to the island recently. How can you not understand this?:why:

If you would have read the original and updated article I linked you would have understood this but, your dumbass can't read. These are the Onge, and Jarawa people.


As far as horus being connected to Buddha, @Poitier is right in a way. All of the stories of jesus, horus, buddha,etc all have a similar story, and are only told differently depending on the age it was told, and to who it was told to. As man aged he took stories that came before him, and changed them around to suit there needs of believing in something higher or different from what can be seen. We took it and made them to be about rituals, and not connecting to that unseen thing. This following of rituals, and not following the teachings, was the beginning of religion. But being a dumbass you are, will argue about that, only to be wrong again.

please learn how to comprehend what you read before you call people names, and argue with them over shyt that can easily be proven with common sense or just doing a little research. Stop being a bytch, and moving off of emotion, be a MAN and use your logic!
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Jul 12, 2014
Since you want to call me names, then you are one stupid motherfukker. Everything you posted is WRONG, and helps my case but because of your being a dumbass you can't even see it.

First. The story we are speaking about is the Buddha who was in old age being dissed by a young brahmin. Learn how to read. So UH OH to your dumb ass. Here's the quote:
"The dialogues of the canon depict the Buddha at various ages and stages of his career, but in this dialogue he explicitly describes himself as elderly (…vuddhehi mahallakehi ācariyapācariyehi…) and so the situation is of a young Brahmin insulting a non-Brahmin who is significantly older than himself."

Second. The people you are speaking of are not who I'm speaking of, they are from the Andaman Islands. They have no connection to the subcontinent of India but, they do with Asia which your link shows. This actually helps with the argument we had in the other thread on the statues of Buddha having kinky hair and being a "black" Asian. Learn how to comprehend what you're reading dingbat. These are the Onge, and Jarawa people. This is a quote from the article YOU linked:

"The mutation, known as Marker 174, occurs among ethnic groups at the periphery of Asia who avoided being swamped by the populations that spread after the agricultural revolution that occurred about 8,000 years ago. It is found in many Japanese, in the Tibetans of the Himalayas and among isolated people of Southeast Asia, like the Hmong.

The discovery of Marker 174 among the Andamanese suggests that they too are part of this relict Paleolithic population, descended from the first modern humans to leave Africa."

The article stated they aren't African meant they are not people from Africa who migrated tot he island recently. How can you not understand this?:why:

If you would have read the original and updated article I linked you would have understood this but, your dumbass can't read. These are the Onge, and Jarawa people.


As far as horus being connected to Buddha, @Poitier is right in a way. All of the stories of jesus, horus, buddha,etc all have a similar story, and are only told differently depending on the age it was told, and to who it was told to. As man aged he took stories that came before him, and changed them around to suit there needs of believing in something higher or different from what can be seen. We took it and made them to be about rituals, and not connecting to that unseen thing. This following of rituals, and not following the teachings, was the beginning of religion. But being a dumbass you are, will argue about that, only to be wrong again.

please learn how to comprehend what you read before you call people names, and argue with them over shyt that can easily be proven with common sense or just doing a little research. Stop being a bytch, and moving off of emotion, be a MAN and use your logic!



May 20, 2012
Here's another quote from the same article you linked, Mr. shytface:

"Dr. Underhill, an expert on the genetic history of the Y chromosome, said the Paleolithic population of Asia might well have looked as African as the Onge and Jarawa do now, and that people with the appearance of present-day Asians might have emerged only later. It is also possible, he said, that their resemblance to African Pygmies is a human adaptation to living in forests that the two populations developed independently."

Isn't this what I was saying in my previous post when I was debating with @Turk3 ?

Just in case your dumbass forgot or couldn't comprehend, I was stating that early indians most likely looked more like early man who left Africa due to having less time for their genes to mutate into what we see them as today. LEARN fukkING SCIENCE BEFORE YOU COME AT ME NEXT TIME.


May 1, 2012
Since you want to call me names, then you are one stupid motherfukker. Everything you posted is WRONG, and helps my case but because of your being a dumbass you can't even see it.

First. The story we are speaking about is the Buddha who was in old age being dissed by a young brahmin. Learn how to read. So UH OH to your dumb ass. Here's the quote:
"The dialogues of the canon depict the Buddha at various ages and stages of his career, but in this dialogue he explicitly describes himself as elderly (…vuddhehi mahallakehi ācariyapācariyehi…) and so the situation is of a young Brahmin insulting a non-Brahmin who is significantly older than himself."

Second. The people you are speaking of are not who I'm speaking of, they are from the Andaman Islands. They have no connection to the subcontinent of India but, they do with Asia which your link shows. This actually helps with the argument we had in the other thread on the statues of Buddha having kinky hair and being a "black" Asian. Learn how to comprehend what you're reading dingbat. These are the Onge, and Jarawa people. This is a quote from the article YOU linked:

"The mutation, known as Marker 174, occurs among ethnic groups at the periphery of Asia who avoided being swamped by the populations that spread after the agricultural revolution that occurred about 8,000 years ago. It is found in many Japanese, in the Tibetans of the Himalayas(area of the Buddhas origins) and among isolated people of Southeast Asia, like the Hmong.

The discovery of Marker 174 among the Andamanese suggests that they too are part of this relict Paleolithic population, descended from the first modern humans to leave Africa."

The article stated they aren't African meant they are not people from Africa who migrated to the island recently. How can you not understand this?:why:

If you would have read the original and updated article I linked you would have understood this but, your dumbass can't read. These are the Onge, and Jarawa people.


As far as horus being connected to Buddha, @Poitier is right in a way. All of the stories of jesus, horus, buddha,etc all have a similar story, and are only told differently depending on the age it was told, and to who it was told to. As man aged he took stories that came before him, and changed them around to suit there needs of believing in something higher or different from what can be seen. We took it and made them to be about rituals, and not connecting to that unseen thing. This following of rituals, and not following the teachings, was the beginning of religion. But being a dumbass you are, will argue about that, only to be wrong again.

please learn how to comprehend what you read before you call people names, and argue with them over shyt that can easily be proven with common sense or just doing a little research. Stop being a bytch, and moving off of emotion, be a MAN and use your logic!

In the other thread I brought up the ambatta sutta and you brushed it off as irrelevant, in this thread you seem to have your information about it mixed up.

Yes, ambatta was a young Brahmin who popped shyt at the Buddha for being from a marginal Kshatriya clan and calling himself a spiritual master. The Buddha then clowned him for his dark skin. I used this instance in your other thread to show you that caste isn't based on race or color and you skirted the issue.

Secondly, the onge, jarawa, ARE andamanese all these tribes are of the same ethnic origin. How could the Andaman islanders have a connection to Asia and not India when India is in Asia? Them dudes are over there in the bay of Bengal. In the other discussion we were having you said that you believe the Buddha was from Nepal and not north India when Nepal was considered northeast India during his cant say dumb shyt like this and wonder why you get called an idiot.

Anyway, this thread is about what the Buddha looked like, not what the first humans who settled India over 70,000 years ago looked like. Truthfully these tribal populations don't have anything to do with the topic at hand. The article I posted demonstrates that physical appearance means very little when it comes to identifying populations, but all people like you do is obsess over what you think are cornrows on statues and skin color and use that as spring board to promote pop history.


May 20, 2012
In the other thread I brought up the ambatta sutta and you brushed it off as irrelevant, in this thread you seem to have your information about it mixed up.

Yes, ambatta was a young Brahmin who popped shyt at the Buddha for being from a marginal Kshatriya clan and calling himself a spiritual master. The Buddha then clowned him for his dark skin. I used this instance in your other thread to show you that caste isn't based on race or color and you skirted the issue.

Secondly, the onge, jarawa, ARE andamanese all these tribes are of the same ethnic origin. How could the Andaman islanders have a connection to Asia and not India when India is in Asia? Them dudes are over there in the bay of Bengal. In the other discussion we were having you said that you believe the Buddha was from Nepal and not north India when Nepal was considered northeast India during his cant say dumb shyt like this and wonder why you get called an idiot.

Anyway, this thread is about what the Buddha looked like, not what the first humans who settled India over 70,000 years ago looked like. Truthfully these tribal populations don't have anything to do with the topic at hand. The article I posted demonstrates that physical appearance means very little when it comes to identifying populations, but all people like you do is obsess over what you think are cornrows on statues and skin color and use that as spring board to promote pop history.
You're twisting my words around again, and you're wrong, but you will never admit this shyt so keep thinking what you want. It's a waste of time debating with you. Read the link about the buddha discussing "black" because you are even twisting his words. Everything you just posted is either totally wrong, and can be proven by the same link you posted, or a twisting of my words in a horrible way because I never said nepal wasn't northern india, YOU just stated it was northern india at the time. I never disagreed with that. Again, learn how to comprehend what you're reading, and stop putting your beliefs into it, while ignoring what you don't like, and seeing what you do like, then reinterpreting it into something totally different then what is the original point of whats being stated. I'm glad others can see the bullshyt artist you are.

You can have the last word like the bytch you are:scust:


All Star
Aug 8, 2012
I haven't been keeping up with the thread because I've already proved he was black but here's a question to those who say he's white or a person with no color. Is Siddhartha Gautama the founder or first buddha of Buddhism? And if not how old did other said Buddha's live?