I'm seeing the same picture you're seeing. She's the odd man out. But unless you can articulate WHY that's a problem and what underlying white supremacist purpose (or whatever it is you think is happening) that serves then.......
They believe that a plus size model is inferior to a thin model in terms of evaluating beauty, and because the only plus size model presented in the image is black and the thin models are non-black, they conclude the image is portraying a black woman as inferior to non-blacks making it racist material.
the soundness of this logic is flawed though.
1. beauty is subjective, so you can't objectively say the plus size model is inferior to anybody, which means you can't presume to know if ppl will interpret the fatty as inferior.
2. racist material needs to be explicit, and the photo doesn't explicitly claim that woman is overweight due to being black, and vice versa with the white females.
3. However, the photo does show explicitly that humans have varying body types, and black ppl are humans, thus we too have varying body types, so how can this be racist.
point is, there is nothing explicitly racist about the photo, and the ppl claiming it is racist are purely coming to that conclusion out of bias.