Is This "Black Male Privilege Checklist" True?


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
And there you have it. You admit you were looking for a scapegoat reason to "not take me seriously". So I'll tell you right now, do whatever you want. I have lurked this board long enough to know the opinion you guys have on any woman who fights for women's rights in general is negative, so I was pretty sure going in you already wouldn't take me serious.

But I don't take anyone who fights for equality for race with one hand, while trying to push down women with the other hand seriously either, so we're in the same boat.

:laugh: You seem allergic to answering simple questions. First refusing to answer @Peter Vecsey simple question on what are the burdens that Black women face...and now refusing to answer my question if you agree with everything on the list or not.

It seems that overall that you already made up your mind about a lot of things, so folks here are just wasting their time engaging you on this topic. :manny:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Also, my thing is this:

Let's just say we're living in a totally different universe where this bullshyt list is 100% true, what am I supposed to do with this information? Seriously, what is its purpose?

Where do we go from here and heal the decades old rift now that we have this revelation?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
There you go denying again.
:mindblown: what did I deny? I said black men don't contribute to those issues mainly because we don't have the power to. Not once have I denied that inequalities exist.

How come most Black men had never even heard of Marissa Alexander until a grassroots campaign by Black women brought it to light? And how come the NAACP isn't standing behind her but you had a Black man jump at the opportunity to interview another Black man (her ex-husband) to paint her in a negative light, the same way white folks did Trayvon Martin?
This is just totaly false. The same people who fought for trevon are now fighting for marissa, and there was plenty of black people male and female who tried to paint trevon in a negative light. You so stuck trying to search for a negative or inequality that you miss what's really going on.

How come you can't name any victims of police brutality that are female, although there are numerous examples?
Malissa Williams. Comes to mind first because she lived in my city. If your asking why brutality against black males is reported more, it's because it happens more.

How come when issues of Black on Black crime are addressed, domestic violence and sexual assault of which Black women are the most at risk for are left out? How come it centers around Black male gang violence?
Domestic violence gets talked about a lot. Black men are thrown in jail daily due to domestic violence. This isn't even a point you should bring up cause women ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt here. You can go smack your boyfriend now, and call the police on him and he will get arrested.

How come prison sentences are a Black male problem, when convicted Black females face harsher sentencing too?
When black males fight for prison sentancing inequality, we are fighting for women too. You want to seperate the issue to push your agenda, but the issue is not seperate. We fight for equality regardless of sex.

How come Black female single motherhood is 'a choice' and Black male drug dealing and gang banging is considered the fault of Black women because 'we date thugs'?
This is a line repeated by cacs/c00ns. Stop trying to place this nonsense on all black men. By doing so you are exhibiting the exact same behavior as those cacs/c00ns.

How come a Black female victim of sexual harassment is asked why she was wearing this or that or what time it was, and Black male victims of police brutality are viewed as the victims they are through and through?
I agree that victim blaming happens, but it happens to black men as well. Black male victims always get their character attacked and are told"well you shouldn't have been their" or "you should have shut up"

With each one of your points you marginalize black male issues, then complain for equal treatment. You want equal treatment, but would you sign up for an equal burden? Do you want black women to be beat and killed by the police just as much as black men, just so they can be recognized for it? Would you want to give up your benefit of the doubt in domestic issues, just so you can be mentioned in talks of black on black violence? Do you want black women to be arrested at the same rate as men, so they can be better recognized at getting harsh sentences? Would you like a woman's worth to be tied to her money or her car so that she feels compelled to sell drugs, and risk her life, just so we can talk about women and drug sentancing guidelines?

You keep saying Black men don't support it, but all other evidence is to the contrary. And instead of being like "damn, I didn't even realize that" you keep pretending its not there or its not a big deal and then wonder why there is division.
Show me some evidence. Not emotional rants filled with feminists talking points. Show me how "black men" (not one or two, but all) are actively trying to oppress you.

You had a poster in here just say male privilege doesn't matter for Black men because they are Black. No one checked her on it, you dapped her for it!! Despite the fact that male privilege gives Black men a 1 for every .80 cents to Black women.
What she was saying is that any claims of "black male privelage" are missing the point that black males have so many burdens that our "privelages" are trivial at best. How can higher pay for us be a privelage , when we are least likely to be hired in the first place?

Also that .80 cents number pertains to ALL men and women. And it's an outdated number. Women have been making strides in equal pay and are in some industries making more than males. Do you have any numbers for black males and females?

You mean in response to being pushed out of a genre we helped created and have it turn into an all the time female bashing fest (hip hop)? Yeah, you got us there :childplease:
:ohhh: well look at you denying and marginalizing concerns from men.

Not even sure what it has to do with rap music. The prevailing view of black men is that we are lazy, shiftless, violent, neglectful if our women, children, and basically "ain't shyt" and A LOT of that stereotype comes directly from our women.


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
I think many of you are so rushed to deny deny deny or dismiss dismiss dismiss that you don't even understand wtf is being talked about.

This list provides several issues that Black women face that are put into place by white patriarchy but that Black men support because it benefits them as men.

Please tell me, what issues do Black men face that are put in place by white supremacy that you could possibly say Black women support??? Serious question.
what exactly do we support and how? i'm going to need you to be more specific.
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Also, my thing is this:

Let's just say we're living in a totally different universe where this bullshyt list is 100% true, what am I supposed to do with this information? Seriously, what is its purpose?

Where do we go from here and heal the decades old rift now that we have this revelation?

The only person who can answer that question is @HebrewAllahTripleDarkness :lolbron:


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
:mindblown: what did I deny? I said black men don't contribute to those issues mainly because we don't have the power to. Not once have I denied that inequalities exist.

This is just totaly false. The same people who fought for trevon are now fighting for marissa, and there was plenty of black people male and female who tried to paint trevon in a negative light. You so stuck trying to search for a negative or inequality that you miss what's really going on.

Malissa Williams. Comes to mind first because she lived in my city. If your asking why brutality against black males is reported more, it's because it happens more.

Domestic violence gets talked about a lot. Black men are thrown in jail daily due to domestic violence. This isn't even a point you should bring up cause women ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt here. You can go smack your boyfriend now, and call the police on him and he will get arrested.

When black males fight for prison sentancing inequality, we are fighting for women too. You want to seperate the issue to push your agenda, but the issue is not seperate. We fight for equality regardless of sex.

This is a line repeated by cacs/c00ns. Stop trying to place this nonsense on all black men. By doing so you are exhibiting the exact same behavior as those cacs/c00ns.

I agree that victim blaming happens, but it happens to black men as well. Black male victims always get their character attacked and are told"well you shouldn't have been their" or "you should have shut up"

With each one of your points you marginalize black male issues, then complain for equal treatment. You want equal treatment, but would you sign up for an equal burden? Do you want black women to be beat and killed by the police just as much as black men, just so they can be recognized for it? Would you want to give up your benefit of the doubt in domestic issues, just so you can be mentioned in talks of black on black violence? Do you want black women to be arrested at the same rate as men, so they can be better recognized at getting harsh sentences? Would you like a woman's worth to be tied to her money or her car so that she feels compelled to sell drugs, and risk her life, just so we can talk about women and drug sentancing guidelines?

Show me some evidence. Not emotional rants filled with feminists talking points. Show me how "black men" (not one or two, but all) are actively trying to oppress you.

What she was saying is that any claims of "black male privelage" are missing the point that black males have so many burdens that our "privelages" are trivial at best. How can higher pay for us be a privelage , when we are least likely to be hired in the first place?

Also that .80 cents number pertains to ALL men and women. And it's an outdated number. Women have been making strides in equal pay and are in some industries making more than males. Do you have any numbers for black males and females?

:ohhh: well look at you denying and marginalizing concerns from men.

Not even sure what it has to do with rap music. The prevailing view of black men is that we are lazy, shiftless, violent, neglectful if our women, children, and basically "ain't shyt" and A LOT of that stereotype comes directly from our women.


thank you sir... this shyt really has me sitting here like :mindblown:

this is such a waste of time and breath that it's ridiculous... this is not the fight we need to be having. Whatever benefits black males do receive by being males (not specifically black males) are more times than not used to empower black people as a whole... which includes black women. I've never met a nikka in my life that's against women being paid more, or who trivializes the achievements of black women in our history. All my nikkas love black women and want to see them succeed. We sat there and applauded yall for finally going at your female counterparts for how much they've shytted on yall with in the feminist movement. All of our fights are with the black woman in mind. We DIE for OUR women daily. shyt actually pisses me off...
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Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
Is he really trying to impress women, or could he possibly actually believe what he wrote?

Why is it that everytime a man attempts to defend women or point out how women are undervalued, he's a simp, or trying to get p*ssy?

Why can't he just be on the woman's side without there being any ulterior motive?

Cuz respecting women is seen as 'gay' to alot of these boys. No fathers is my guess.


Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
Black male privilege is male privelege. I'm pretty sure some guys are going to come in here and rebute this (which I'm open to and looking forward to :usure:)

1. Most songs on the radio (Hip Hop mostly) paint women as nothing but sex objects, most rap songs do not speak of women in ANY positive light.

2. You guys get to be hoes then request a virgin...even though everyone else has had you.

3. Most porn is made for you, when you log onto its shyt directed towards you and what YOU want to see...even if it resembles a very young girl being came on.

4. You guys do the raping instead of being raped.

Thats all I got for male privilege. :patrice:

Female privilege on the other hand :stylin::smugfavre: