King P
Legends Never Die
So I made this thread about which L is worse
And the last post actually touched on something else on wanted to discuss
My Ring Gang Brothers @patscorpio and @LauderdaleBoss actually spoke on this not too long ago
Do ya'll really believe that landing something that someone trains their whole life to do is somehow "lucky"
Speak on it Coli
And the last post actually touched on something else on wanted to discuss

I've always been curious as the whole idea of a "lucky punch"yeah but fluke kos can happen you can be whopping some cats ass or just be in a competitive fight and a lucky punch puts you down. It sucks but at least you can say it was a lucky punch and run it back, getting shutout is way more demoralizing for the fighter and there is zero chance youre ever going to get a rematch plus you have killed any hope of ever amounting to anything. i cant think of one good fighter whose ever been 12-0
My Ring Gang Brothers @patscorpio and @LauderdaleBoss actually spoke on this not too long ago
Do ya'll really believe that landing something that someone trains their whole life to do is somehow "lucky"

Speak on it Coli