Yes OP, he is.
We lack resources , We lack money, and We aren't obtaining them via @marcuz capitalist approach.
hip hop was and is still worth gazzilions but it's being wasted away, while the people you claim are controlling benefited and will still continue to benefit and try to replace with fake clones and make parody's and mockery of the art form.
I mean these are the clowns we're trying to defeat?![]()
We're going to have think tanks and solution discussions forever because a lot of people simply don't want to do what's required to improve themselves.
The 'real' solutions are boring, so nobody really wants to hear that. Work hard, take care of your family, become extremely educated, have morals, start businesses or obtain a high paying job, etc. It's pretty much the stuff that your parents have been telling you since you were younger. Going on a circuit talking about that won't sell because it's boring and it requires a lot of time. Talking about discipline, self-sacrifice, etc. puts people to sleep. It's much more profitable to get people riled up emotionally. We can be mad at white folks all we want, but if that's the root of your mentality, 10 years from now, you're still going to be mad and in the exact same position. If you had decent parents, do what they told you and that'll be a large part of the solution.
you're waiting for communism, breh, i dont really need to say anything else.
We gotta agree to disagree cuz i can't keep up wit the back and forth.@FilliBuster, nah, aint no agreeing to disagree.
if you have a baby that shyt all over himself and the room by proxy, he wont become UNshytTY until you remove him from that environment and clean him off. same thing applies to your logic and anyone else that believes our moral dilemma can be changed while our financial condition hasnt.
Played this at least 10 times already....
I want to hear you go Pap!!! Pap!!! Pap!!! Pap!!!
shyt was in my head at the park today....![]()
We gotta agree to disagree cuz i can't keep up wit the back and forth.
Black community already has enough money, people, and resources to become self sustained. Lack of funds is not what is holding us back. The constant competitions is what is holding us back. And by saying that we should promote that competition you're basically saying we should stay trapped in this same endless cycle. Keep fukking each other over to get a buck. in hopes that once we all attain said bucks (will never happen) things will magically change. Nah.
Pretty soon people are gonna wake up, work together, and make that change.
Like i said if communism works in business why wouldn't it work in life?
Not even a few months ago i had your mindset. Now i see the world differently.
if they're clowns, why cant they be defeated?
and you ignored my question, whats your solution to getting out of the system of white supremacy?
Africa needs to go hard, mobilize and build a reputable armed force first for protection like what the asians and other countries have done? That is the first step, then other black countries will team up after that.
We haven't done step one, so until we do this there will be no step 2, 3 etc... This is the quickest thing we can do to show that we mean business, fukk all this other shyt.
I don't want to hear about money and all that other nonsense, that will come later.
Which is why I advocate 3D printing and robotics. Right now we have to beg cacs and asians for the equipment to manufacture raw goods but we can cut them out of the picture.
Asians right now are even outpacing whites in universities and combined household income. If you look in libraries, guess what you see it filled with. Asians studying. Korea in the mid 1900s, say around 1950s, was one of the poorest countries in Asia.
Yeah. Breh, I saw a video of a house being 3D printed. It was basically a giant nozzle that secreted concrete in the same manner a personal printer prints a word document. The machinery can build a house in a matter of hours.
We need programmers and engineers but we still need to control the basics like agriculture as well. If Africans in America all started a modest urban garden, not only would it be empowering but it would promote better health in our community and free up resources (money) to build other things. The money saved on healthcare would free up money as well.