Drinks Blood from a Boot
Should have never been made to begin with.

whitney houstons last movie should not be a money grab. If you see it, cool. But to try to capitolize on her death is probably NOT how she'd want to go out imo...They should have released the movie back in April or May. It would have had more buzz and more people would have gave a fukk back then.
I'm tired of these remakes..
I have no interest in seein this at all..
I agree with the majority of remakes, but as for your interest in this movie?
This movie is geared towards women anyway, I'd have to question your manhood if you did wanna see this movie like that.
Not sayng you shouldnt. just sayin.. seems like theres too much testosterome in here.
nikkaz gettin jive angry in here talkin bout "why the fukk was this movie even made

Is it really that serious???