Is Shame missing in our community?

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
Once those being shamed realize that the shamers had their own skeletons in their closet.

No. Shame was not a group of people shaming others. It was a collective action. The group shamed you in its own name, not a determined person you can discredit.

Hyperindividualism, the death of family, the death of communities, and (anti-shaming) propaganda in movies, music, and TV shows killed shame.

Shame and accountability are needed imo

Since about 15 i have had propositions to get into the adult entertainment industry..
I Definitely thought about doing some wild stuff for money and curiosity only the "my dad will KILL me and disown the body if he finds out" deterred me. Not even the fear of my mum had that much influence over my decisions and she used to beat me not him.

He is disappointed in me already for having my children out of wedlock albeit all with the same man. Its "taboo" and "abomination" to let a man that is not your husband use you for a "public latrine"

God bless you for resisting and God your pops.


Has nothing to do with shame.

In order to expand, capitalism promoted the death of shame. A lot of industries making a lot of money would not exist if shame was still here.
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African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
Shame has severely lost its potency for a lotta logical and logistic socio-emotional reasons.

Old paradigms based off shame don’t last and give rise to chaos because 1.) the shame is usually one-sided, hypocritical and coming from those in power towards those who have less agency and 2.) when it has no basis in reality due to increased mobility and agency of those under your influence.

Shame is often a social tool of support for dominant power structures. But once people pull back the veil and expose the hypocrisy of the actions of those trying to check others, then the power of shame becomes obsolete. Also once people try things for themselves and their lives don’t fall apart the way shamers initially claimed, it makes shame even less powerful.

To use shame sustainably, those shaming others have to be reasonably above reproach themselves. That’s just the way our brains work. Otherwise, the mechanism is rendered obsolete. In other words, the whole “do as I say not as I do” mentality makes people disregard the judgement of others as hypocritical and something no one cares about. And for shame to work, you also need an unrealistic amount of control over certain parameters such as how big your group is, how many are in your group, where they can go or travel and ect.
Because if the person you are trying to shame into doing something has other options more favorable than your vision and room or space to thrive outside of your vision, then they don’t care about your shaming them.

It’s like a blind person trying to shame somebody else for having poor vision. Or trying to shame somebody into staying in a small town.

If the shame is not tied to real negative consequences that can’t be mitigated by making different life choices and it’s coming from hypocrites, it’s power is nil. So if you want to leverage the real power of shame, keep your own community small and isolated and ensure that those seeking to shame others are of good character or manipulative enough to ensure they are never questioned. This is why cults are so powerful. :yeshrug:
Personally, I think shame can be useful but it’s not gonna work in today’s society and we need to move beyond reliance on it to heal our society.

The bolded is already wrong. There is no need to pursue. Typical college postmodernist babble.

This is by far the best answer in this thread.

No, it's not.

But not in the way you're implying.

It *should be* shameful to hoard wealth while others around you suffer, to exploit the people of your community and the downtrodden of the world, to show off gauche purchases while walking past the hungry, to see the degradation and living conditions of those that surround you while you overfill your belly wastefully.

But it is not. We have been socialized to accept these disgusting excesses as normal.

If shame were ever the cohesive social glue that people claim it "was" then capitalism should never have been allowed to develop in the way it has.

Capitalism destroyed shame, along with other moral limits to its expansion. There is a reason why capitalism exploded in protestant Europe, and not in catholic Europe or Imperial China even though all the material conditions for its development where already present in those places. Capitalism needed a moral element that Protestantism, especially Calvinism (according to Weber), brought: no shame in making a lot of money, stacking it, and flipping it.

The same process continued in all modern societies where capitalism expanded. You need people free of all types of scruples in order for capitalism to properly expand. This is why the more capitalist a society becomes, the more 'anti-shaming' it turns.
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Nov 25, 2014
Jeremiah 3:25 ESV / 21 helpful votes
Let us lie down in our shame, and let our dishonor cover us. For we have sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even to this day, and we have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God.”


getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
I legit thought about this Friday at work. I look at how other cultures treat their elders and how much reverence children have for their parents. (I'm a traveling nurse) like fukk we as a whole don't give a damn anymore. I feel like I was born in the wrong times honestly.
It’s sad, man.

We're soft as a whole. That American arrogance and being over tolerant is going have future generations more lost than they are now. People are bolder and it's wrong to even stand up for morals. I shouldn't be attacked if I don't want my son gay or my daughter being an ig thot. My niece 16 has her belly pierced, tats,a lesbian and be in social media emulating everything she sees on reality tv and insert random female rapper. But I'm the wrong one for saying my daughter will never be like that. I told my daughter the Muhammad Ali quote to his daughter"be a diamond among flowers"
Hate it, but this is only going to get worse.

Had a discussion with a middle school teacher a few weeks ago, and she was telling me the young girls at her school are getting turned out by other younger girls at a crazy rate.

Also, you’re not wrong for your views and the tv and outside influences are doing a number on our youth. The tats and piercings for kids that age are bullsh*t, and it’s crazy how many young kids I see with that mess. I’m also with you, in that, I wouldn’t want my daughter to be a homosexual or IG thot, either.


Aug 6, 2015
Theres plenty of shaming. We just shame people for the wrong stuff: clothes, not talking a certain way, divergent opinions, lifestyle, sexual orientation, material possessions ect
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Jan 23, 2016
North Little Rock
Older Black generations grew up closer to family and in tighter knit communities who held them accountable.

once Black people started fleeing to all white communities that ended and we started taking on white ways. Whites have traditionally had no respect for themselves and their elders. It used to be white women who dressed like whores coming outta the house.

we used to be able to correct any Black child in our neighborhood, now if you say something to a Black child you may end up getting into with their parent.

As I’ve said we’ve taken on white ways and there’s no turning back.

Yup, that’s exactly why the Bible says not to envy your oppressors. Our natural state is communal, not individual like them and that’s the root of our issues. Ain’t the devil happy?

Proverbs 3
31 Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.

32 For the froward is abomination to the Lord: but his secret is with the righteous.

Satan promised us all of the material bullshyt we could wish for. All we have to do is bow to his culture and commit violence (social, spiritual, physical, financial, and mental) against our brothers and sisters for financial gain. Sounds similar to the story of an offer made to a man fasting in the desert to turn on the truth for the riches and material gain of the world right?

The Devil wants you to be a devil too, just like him and his seed.
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Pass me the rock nikka
Mar 12, 2013
Older Black generations grew up closer to family and in tighter knit communities who held them accountable.

once Black people started fleeing to all white communities that ended and we started taking on white ways. Whites have traditionally had no respect for themselves and their elders. It used to be white women who dressed like whores coming outta the house.

we used to be able to correct any Black child in our neighborhood, now if you say something to a Black child you may end up getting into with their parent.

As I’ve said we’ve taken on white ways and there’s no turning back.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks

When I was a little kid in the 70's, it was nothing to see another Black child act-up and some adult that knew his/her family would come outta nowhere, smack that kid, and march them to their house where the parents would continue where the other adult left-off.​

Try that now and see what happens.​