You're less likely to die in NYC
People who make that much live in upstate NY or in the Tri-State area (Connecticut/N.J/Pennslyvania) & commute to NYC.
Aint nobody in thier right mind who DOESN'T live in a rent controlled apartment or own a house in the the outer counties (nassau/westchester/suffolk) would waste thier money living in the boroughs.
It’s a boxer mixed not just a pit. The pit portion of my OG comment was in reference to a thread OP made lying about him fukking up A pit if he had to.i
is that a pit? looks like a boxer mixed with a pit.
I'm 99% sure
It’s a boxer mixed not just a pit. The pit portion of my OG comment was in reference to a thread OP made lying about him fukking up A pit if he had to.
By far the most influential piece of land in the world.
new york > londontake notice of my name