I agree with that part as well. 2k does have the player ratings for Loyalty, Play for a Winner, and Financial Security, but not only do I think it doesn’t work correctly, but there would need to be more ratings like Playing Time or Role.In Madden Franchise, scouting and free agency is somewhat better than MyNBA in NBA2k.
Free agency in Madden Franchise at least shows you the player motivations and what they are looking for when signing with a new team.
Scouting isn't perfect in Madden Franchise, but at least it seems more dynamic compared to NBA2k's MyNBA mode.
If I’m not mistaken, back in the day on 2k when you signed a player, you could promise them a role like bench warmer, role player, 6th man, starter, or Star to get them to sign with you, but it’s gone now.