is kim kardashian the marilyn monroe of today?

nose hair

Feb 14, 2014

Kim K. is the trashiest hoe America has ever had, Kanye lost.


kanye won :wow:




Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
Only women, fags and disingenuous cacs think Marilyn Monroe was talented or memorable. She was and remains a druggie pin up whore. She's a prettier version of Courtney Love --- and Monroe isn't even very pretty.
Every foreigner at my school knows Kim Kardashian; very few know Marilyn Monroe.More people on Earth know Kim Kardashian's past than Marilyn Monroe's because Kim is more of a trendsetter. Every ho at my school of 30,000 is rocking Kim's braid style now.
:stopitslime:Everyone involved in the art of actin thought Marilyn was talented which is more than you can say for Kim who has zero talent and the fact we still talk about her and compare current bytches to her proves she's memorable, Kim won't be remembered like that 30 years from now she ain't even as big as you claimin now and worldwide people ain't checkin for her like that. Kim was and remains a porn whore who looks like a poor man's Jennifer Lopez, Marilyn was definitely more beautiful and naturally pretty Kim needed to get tons of plastic surgery just to compete wit her.:umad:

You're right. I lost myself for a second. In truth the main reason I defend Kim is because she gets attacked for essentially liking black men. That's literally the reason so many people hate her. If Kim did everything she has done with white guys, same as Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton, she wouldn't face any of this undue criticism. This hatred for Kim from cacs and women is an extension of cacs' and womens' disdain for black men.
:camby:FOH wit that bullshyt excuse to c00n and simp this hoe Kim gets attacked for bein a narcissistic no talent slut, Paris Hilton got just as much hate and she wasn't datin nothin but white dudes so don't try to bring race into it. Pamela Anderson had a actual career and is genuinely nice without all the reality shows overexposure and blatant attention whorin which is why she didn't get that level of hate, she also came up before the internet age and was the biggest sex symbol in history which both played a large part in the lack of hate.
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