Is It c00nish to Think that Other Races are More Attractive than Your Own?


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
In what other sense would it be ok?

I never said "ok", but there are circumstances outside of physical attraction where I wouldn't consider "attraction" to be c00nish.

for example, white people have resources that non-white people need and them having those resources attracts non-whites to where ever they are.


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Jul 26, 2015
Black Hands on Green Money
Of course not, because then they'll have to admit that they are self hating :sas1:. How is it that one can think another race's women are more beautiful than their own but not the men? Because then they'll be admitting that they are inferior.
I dont completely agree with this. But I think black women are the most attractive so I guess it dont matter
Oct 14, 2015
Definitely c00nish

Dude I'm seeing a pattern of self-hatred and internalized racism within you. Interracial dating isn't something new, they are people who are inherently attracted to people that do not look like them. To deny a personal attraction to someone due to fear of disapproval from others isn't self-love. You can be a proud member of your community and date or marry someone of another race or background.

It seems like you and few others torture yourselves trying to protect your own ego from admitting you're afflicted with black inferiority.

Interracial dating isn't for everyone, but it does happen and it isn't derived from self-hatred, all the time.

You said that you spend a lot of time on white supremacy sites, but why would you try to understand complete and utter insanity? You do realize by even responding to an iota of ignorance from those sites, they own you and your mindset. An intelligent black male has knowledge of himself and is confident enough to know there is nothing those sites can offer him, not even a good laugh. For you to feel that you can gain ANYTHING from those sites means you're empty on the inside and searching for something you haven't quite figured out, despite your boisterous facade of confidence.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Dude I'm seeing a pattern of self-hatred and internalized racism within you. Interracial dating isn't something new, they are people who are inherently attracted to people that do not look like them. To deny a personal attraction to someone due to fear of disapproval from others isn't self-love. You can be a proud member of your community and date or marry someone of another race or background.

It seems like you and few others torture yourselves trying to protect your own ego from admitting you're afflicted with black inferiority.

Interracial dating isn't for everyone, but it does happen and it isn't derived from self-hatred, all the time.

You said that you spend a lot of time on white supremacy sites, but why would you try to understand complete and utter insanity? You do realize by even responding to an iota of ignorance from those sites, they own you and your mindset. An intelligent black male has knowledge of himself and is confident enough to know there is nothing those sites can offer him, not even a good laugh.

If you want to date white women, just do it, no need to convince anyone else.

Oct 14, 2015
If you want to date white women, just do it, no need to convince anyone else.


If I became friends with a woman who accepted me for me, and equally knew who she was I would date her. I'd marry her if I truly loved her and wouldn't give a single fukk what anyone had to say about it. Especially you.

The fact that you made inference about the female I would choose being white shows you suffer from black inferiority and feel inadequate to whites. I would never try to convince you of anything except staying out of my lady and I's face when you see us in public. Because if you were to say some slick black Israelite shyt to us I might choose to enlighten to into obscurity or bash your mouth in, depending on my disposition that day. And the sad part is none of this has to do with YOU having sex with anyone.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
There is absolutely no reason you should find people of another race more attractive than your own when its all said and done, unless you have some type of hate or disgust in your heart for your own race. I can understand having a thing for a certain type of "physical trait" from another ethnicity that your own might lack, like eye color, height, hair color... or whatever, but that shouldn't make you feel like that race is more attractive than your own. At that point there is something going on within you.

I will say that I think people go through phases when they get "bored" with there own race or what they see all the time. I understand that too, but to say other races are more attractive than your own is to say that others are superior to yourself in a round about way.

There are to many different beautiful type of black women, from the light brights to the dark nights. They all get love from me.

Being attractive goes beyond just physicality for me, and when I take that in to consideration on top of black women already being the GOAT there's no contest on what kind of woman I want in my life.