Drinks Blood from a Boot
The only faux outrage is the statements from Rob Parker, and your agenda...Yeah, but it was a critical question that Rob Parker asked? I don't get it? Honestly.
I just don't see why they would fire him? There was nothing he said that was inappropriate. It was only inappropriate to those who are looking for a false controversy to show their faux outrage I reckon.
So, thats your reply to what I said

You and Penfield are well known Klansmen

Do you not think I don't understand the obvious double standard between black athletes and white athletes?
But then again I do not care what white athletes do. I don't look to them as the gold standard. Being drunk is one thing. Being drunk and killing your teammate?
Going to the strip club is one thing.
Going to the strip club and a shooting breaking out?
NFL Player Pacman Jones Ordered to Pay $11M to Strip Club Employees for Shooting | Your Black World
Nobody talks about Andy Dalton or Matt Cassell because they are not cool simple as that. Urban generation for better for worse is a huge selling point for the youth. And lets be serious. "Making it rain" is a black thing much like twerking. Yeh you can find some other races getting in on it but it started with us. You take the good with the bad.
Ben is a rapist, so is Kobe. No one gives a fluck.
Bruh, I was c/s you. Adding to what you said. I guess I left a word out and it kinda looked like I was throwing my lecture at you. When I was just talking in generals

As for Big Ben Rothlisburger? His marriage is about as phony's as Michael jacksons