talking about protection is a freaking taboo in the black community
one reason it may not happen.
we have come together to advance our communities we have been systematically attacked.
We have a belief that CONTELPRO types programs are in the past, smh
someone cited maryland and atl as examples, those are nothing more than extended plantations for us to live, sleep and rest when we are not spending money in white folks land
Our mindset still isn't right after all these years.. you complete statement is a lil much-- but realistically we are on paid plantations and we are sooo proud of these lil c00n pocket cities that we don't own shyt in.
so naw @
Drummage_EL Lets say I offered 100 blacks some property, and offered for them to work at my company, they May not fukk w me because I'm Muslim.
I have black Muslim chicks in my building that Will NOT even speak to my 'friend' because she's not a Muslimah black queen.
Most people people think Black republicans and conservatives are sellouts.
Out media figures are sambos for the most part.
You rarely can find an overwhelming interest in black supporting other blacks.
nikka in the hood do not get along and really aren't interested in economics.
Most of the Afrocentrist, and problack people who Preach this shyt are too funny style to really reach the masses anyway.
So the only way it can happen is my groups doing there own thing and THEN connecting w other small groups.
IT's THE ONLY way that I seen it happen.
OKAY crakkers fukked up Tulsa-
but... that's NOT what you were supposed to get out of that story - 1) they kept rebuilding these towns until blacks WANTED to integrate w whites financially - Not because the firebombs and hangings were too much. 2) Also, 100% of that city followed the same culture, religion, customs, and ways -- they were typical black Christians from that region.. they were brothers that built together.
That is the only way I've seem black group economics work in America. In Africa it has always worked the same way for all of history.
I have black friends, associates, bytches, and neighbors. And some crakker neighbors.
BUT Only my black muslim boys call me their brother, and some don't barely know me. We are all different industries and make sure we all eat, suggest places to live and suggest investment properties. We stay close and connected. I'm not some thug nikka- so of course one phone call I could have 6 nikkas murk whoever - cuz we're brothers so NO QUESTIONS asked. I find out 1 brother is buying 5 properties.... I will pass the info to a contractor brother and everyone eats. I quit my job back when We all were still on SOHH- my brothers) even the ones who aren't practicing muslims) held me down til I built my shyt. We support eachother and only deal w cac for our own benefit and goals.
Anyway, so if another group of brothers are doing the same, we can then connect based on the fact that they are also black Americans. But first small groups should be formed.
I want someone to tell me why I'm wrong in thinking this is the only way.