
Up there for sure but I got to put that fukking reporter/photographer c*nt from Saving Private Ryan ahead of him.
You know the one.
I hated that bytch ass nikka
Start a war and get your entire civilization destroyed over p*ssy brehs.
Man yall got me curious. About to throw Saving Private Ryan on. Never watched it before.
Smart enough to fall for that boat ride"I CAN DO THINGS!!!! IM SMAHT!!!"
brehhhh great fukking movie. Def a must watch
and corporal upum (sp?) was a bytch ass nikka and I also nominate the British guy in The Patriot that killed like half of Mel Gibsons family.
yes omgThen the punk took off running like a sissy when it came time to fight Helen's husband didn't he?
yes omg
this movie drives me nuts lmao. all of those lives lost cause orlando stole menelaus' woman and couldn't be a real man about it smh. had to hide by his brother (who had a damn baby at home) & ended up getting him killed. then wants to be the hero at the end by killing achilles from a distance with a damn bow & arrow.
yes!!! that's the worst part!!Did he kill achillies???![]()
Ironically the biggest bytch in movie history (Remy) came out of Higher Learning.word to higher learning
Bill Paxton in Aliens. Made it worst cause he was tryin to cyse how badass he was in the beginning in the movie. he then transformed into little bytch in a matter of minutes...