Nah, it wasn't about the girl, it was a level of disrespect that had to be answered. You are a leader in a world full of wolves looking for any sign of weakness to attack, you can't let some other leader you invited into your home get away with fukking and then taking your wife. If you let that shyt go you'll have other leaders looking to test just how soft you are.You could just as easily call Menelaus a clown for starting a war to take back a wife who left him
Can you imagine being the poor farmer in his army, fighting and risking your life because this nikka lost his bytch
Paris was a dikk head though. Got his brother and his dad killed over snatch.
Nah, it wasn't about the girl, it was a level of disrespect that had to be answered. You are a leader in a world full of wolves looking for any sign of weakness to attack, you can't let some other leader you invited into your home get away with fukking and then taking your wife. If you let that shyt go you'll have other leaders looking to test just how soft you are.
Fredo trying to spit his side while lying on that sofa chair....symbolic.Fredo: I haven't got a lot to say, Mike.
Michael: We have time.
Fredo: I was kept pretty much in the dark. I didn't know all that much.
Michael: What about now? Is there anything you can help me out with? Anything you can tell me now?
Fredo: They got Pentangelli, that's all I can tell you. I didn't know it was gonna be a hit, Mike. I swear to God I didn't know it was gonna be a hit. Johnny Olin bumped into me in Beverly Hills and he said that he wanted to talk. He said that you and Roth were in on a big deal together and that there was something in it for me if I could help them out. He said that you – he said that you were being tough on the negotiations but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast…it…it'd be good for the family.
Michael: You believed that story? You believed that?
Fredo: He said there was something in it for me…on my own.
Michael: I've always taken care of you, Fredo.
Fredo: Taken care of me.
Mike, you’re my kid brother, and you take care of me?
Did you ever think of that. Ever once?
Send Fredo off to do this, send Fredo to take care of that… take care of some Mickey Mouse night club here, and there; pick somebody up at the airport.
I’m your older brother Mike and I was stepped over!…
Mike: It's the way Pop wanted it.)
Fredo: It ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things. I’m smart.
Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!![]()
Fred was modeled after Rosemary Kennedy. Look her up, she was the black sheep of the clan. She was considered stupid and erratic. Joe Kennedy feared she would embarrass the family, so he had her lobotomized. That's as good as being dead. She was a vegetable for 40 years after that, living in an assisted home.
Michael felt guilty about it, but the way they showed it in part 3 was wack. The priest telling Mike "Your suffering is just, but you'll never change" was just lasy writing. They had an opportunity for a good moment there, but dropped the ball.
The case could be made that Mike did him a favor. What kind of life would he lead, I assume the ho left him, and he was obviously cucked heavy the whole time. A more sinister ending to GF2 would be Mike manipulating Fred into willingly letting himself be euthanized.
Up there for sure but I got to put that fukking reporter/photographer c*nt from Saving Private Ryan ahead of him.
You know the one.
Cazel was a hell of an actorI love watching this scene..its addictive
Cazel was a hell of an actor
Can you eleborate? I can't recall this character it's been awhile since I've seen it