If you haven’t noticed, no one wants to be average anymore. All people of all races and age groups try to be dripped out now. All women want to be baddies whether they alter their images on social media to appear much more attractive or get clownish looking BBL’s, lip fillers and breast augs to get the look.
Because no one wants to be average anymore, we can’t have naturally above average people promoted because of their natural talents, abilities or attractiveness. People who are naturally talented, attractive and magnetic make average people feel, well, average.
And we can’t have that, it’s bad for business. Seeing thousand dollar designer this and that on literally any body is average nowadays. If everybody has drip, no one has drip. If everybody is gangsta, then no one is gangsta. If every bytch is bad, then no there ain’t no bad bytches. You can’t buy style. You can’t nip and tuck your way into being a dime because these Frankenbytches look botched as fukk naked. You can’t recreate your origin story as a project baby from O Block when you were born with a trust fund in Beverly Hills.
People used to know what their lane was not too long ago. Now we are living in the precursor to the real life Sims where everybody is a literal create a player in the metaverse.
But let’s not act like this hasn’t been decades in the making. Rap was never about talent if we are being honest. Because Rap is not a technical expertise like playing an instrument or being able to sing. Anybody can Rap. But for a long time, only people from the hardest struggles from the hood were allowed to be the griots of the tribe. And ballers used their athletic talents to escape the hood. But now most famous NBA players are from the suburbs and don’t have that Allen Iverson charisma to authentically captivate the culture with pure swag.
Now anybody can be anything because everyone is so aspirational because of social media. And streamers taking the places of athletes, actors and musicians have driven home the point that the average talentless dumb American has an overinflated value of themselves thanks to social media. What a mindfukk.