“I’m 68 inches above sea level
93 million miles above these devils”
...ain’t bumped this in a MINUTE...
“I’m 68 inches above sea level
93 million miles above these devils”
This thread just got me hip to SP. Which album(s) is their best work? I’m looking at their catalogue on Apple Music right now and the artwork of these projects alone look so beautiful and powerful Looks very metaphysical, esoteric, and insanely scientific on some Hon. Elijah Muhammad/Bobby Hemmitt/Dr. Phil Valentine/Brother Panic/Dr. Kaba Kamene/Maurice White shyt
Really though - if you're on a streaming service have an edible on a Sunday afternoon, and just go through the whole catalog.
"They didn't have any stand out songs on Blowout Comb."
Cac lolWas the panelist a Cac or a dead kneegrow?
shyt the whole album is stand out right down to how well it aged. I guess thats the response you get when every song is damn near perfect.
...ain’t bumped this in a MINUTE...
New album is too.
It might be their most contemporary one yet. Ish said his son, who also raps, was an inspiration. I'm tempted to say it's basically Butterfly's take on the current sound, but there's a lot more to it than just photocopying what's hot now.
New album is too.
It might be their most contemporary one yet. Ish said his son, who also raps, was an inspiration. I'm tempted to say it's basically Butterfly's take on the current sound, but there's a lot more to it than just photocopying what's hot now.
New album?