The Picasso of the Ghetto
it's disgusting.
i almost have to unfollow Tristan Walker cause he's dikkriding republicans that denounce Trump as if those cacs ain't shyt too.
thats the bevel dude?

it's disgusting.
i almost have to unfollow Tristan Walker cause he's dikkriding republicans that denounce Trump as if those cacs ain't shyt too.
Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations
For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour.
The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.
That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
“The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America,” said the Borealis announcement.
In doing so, however, the foundations have aligned themselves with the staunch left-wing platform of the Movement for Black Lives, which unveiled a policy agenda shortly after the fund was announced accusing Israel of being an “apartheid state” guilty of “genocide.”
Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations
"Activism" pays these days
Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations
For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour.
The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.
That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
“The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America,” said the Borealis announcement.
In doing so, however, the foundations have aligned themselves with the staunch left-wing platform of the Movement for Black Lives, which unveiled a policy agenda shortly after the fund was announced accusing Israel of being an “apartheid state” guilty of “genocide.”
Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations
"Activism" pays these days
EXACTLY where is that money going to????!!!!
The money is going to creating our new 21st century black bourgeoisie class.
This new one is not compromised of the descendants of reconstruction era doctors, lawyers and other black professionals though.
They are made of education/sociology/gender studies degrees that have low return of investment.
Liberal Whites have bought them with donations (Grants, crowd funding etc), and non-profit tax deferrals.
Someone should make a compare and contrast with the Old Guard black bourgeoisie.
We are seeing history repeat itself with the same end goal of controlling the black masses.
More and more dudes are starting to call out the new wave Black feminist
This nikka was wildin
I agree. You look at those big donors and philanthropists (white of course) and unless you fit their agendas, they're not trying to fund black nationalism. A hungry man gotta eat right?Real activism on a national level is completely dead now. I look at the real activists on the ground in my community here in Philadelphia (and other places) and I see how much their struggling to make ends meet while trying to making real change. The truth is, Black only agendas don't get funding or support unless their compromised by forces outside of the community looking to capitalize on our collective condition. Politicians, businessmen etc have too much lose to address the widespread inequality that exists. Too many people depend on black dysfunction for their financial success. It's important to them that we don't get our collective shyt together.
I agree. You look at those big donors and philanthropists (white of course) and unless you fit their agendas, they're not trying to fund black nationalism. A hungry man gotta eat right?