Is #BlackLivesMatter Leading Nowhere?


Jun 22, 2014
But do you agree that it became co-opted?
In what way?

Are we talking about the movement, the hashtag, the local organizations, or the national organizations?

Because BLM Columbus, Cleveland, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, New Orleans, Oakland, and LA were out all year calling for the abolition of prisons and police; and getting berated by centrist liberals, conservatives, and pseudo-Black activists and talking heads.

I think the general sentiment has become acceptable in the mainstream, after years of being seen as toxic - but the fundamental core of the local organizations and the movement itself is still seen as dangerous and "too Left" by 95% of people who claim they care about "Black Lives."

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
sorry but that shyt is suspect

Heritage Foundation is a GOP COnservative group that basically is a now a Trump org ....

and the GOP and Trump are white supremacists ......

It's not wrong to investigate the investigator. If both are fishy so be it.



All Star
Oct 30, 2014
It's not wrong to investigate the investigator. If both are fishy so be it.

hmmm not THAT much better- dde reviews black products but inject political commentary ???
and puts up some anti vax and should be worry about Trump being censored ?? and tossing BLM in the mix ?

yeh - still sus - dude should keep to his reviews .... not try to say controversial political shyt to get views for his reviews.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
hmmm not THAT much better- dde reviews black products but inject political commentary ???
and puts up some anti vax and should be worry about Trump being censored ?? and tossing BLM in the mix ?

yeh - still sus - dude should keep to his reviews .... not try to say controversial political shyt to get views for his reviews.

Where is the money? Where are the projects?
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All Star
Oct 30, 2014
Where is the money? Where are the projects?
probbaly tied up in political donations and payoffs ...projects? when have they ever said they existed for the purpose of "projects" ?

im no great fan of BLM but just seems the only poeple that are making any of thise an issue are those who dont like dont want and dont think a BLM movement is neccessary and those that say its a threat to peoples ( ie white peoples ) well being.

bruh all you offered so far about the "questions" is a chick funded by a org that funds a party that really coddles and gets in bed with bigots and sepratist militia a$$holes and has always attacked anything black .....

and a dude that really is noone and is saying shyt to get views for his channel.....

come up with someone who doesnt have a vested intrests in pushing RW canards and strawmen .....

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
probbaly tied up in political donations and payoffs ...projects? when have they ever said they existed for the purpose of "projects" ?

im no great fan of BLM but just seems the only poeple that are making any of thise an issue are those who dont like dont want and dont think a BLM movement is neccessary and those that say its a threat to peoples ( ie white peoples ) well being.

bruh all you offered so far about the "questions" is a chick funded by a org that funds a party that really coddles and gets in bed with bigots and sepratist militia a$$holes and has always attacked anything black .....

and a dude that really is noone and is saying shyt to get views for his channel.....

come up with someone who doesnt have a vested intrests in pushing RW canards and strawmen .....

Factual is that they used that money to support their LGBTQ+ agenda. They saw an opportunity in leeching off of the killings of heterosexual Black people, and in particularly Black men.

"Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc."

"By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives."

"We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise."

“We appreciate your support of the movement and our ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever.”

"ActBlue Charities is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed under the law."
Black Lives Matter: Support the movement

What is a 501(c)(3)? - Foundation Group®

Charitable Organizations | Internal Revenue Service

Black Lives Matter Foundation | Charity Navigator Profile

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Below is my commentary on Brandumb Tatum's crazy rhetoric.

Brandumb Tatum claims that all lives matter and that Black Lives Matter excludes other lives from mattering. However, the contradiction is in the fact that Black lives are disfranchised more, which is a statistical fact. So that’s an oxymoron at best, by this moron. He further more puts blame on gang related violence, incidents and deaths, but fails to mentioned that this is only 5% of the total Black population involved in these homicides. He also fails to mentioned that gang violence mostly relates to poverty restriction, due to the deprivation of resources, which relates to historical systemic socioeconomic racism. Brandumb claims that George Floyd was involved in criminal activity. Oddly enough the counterfeit money, which allegedly was in George Floyd's possession was never shown. Brandumb never will mention the fact that close to 50% of Black men are being exonerated.

Another contradiction by Brandumb is the claims on Colin Kaepernick. He states that Colin Kaepernick is not a good representation for the entire NFL as an organization, but Brandumb of course doesn't say the same about corrupt cops who also (mis-)represent an organization. He feels that Colin Kaepernick is causing problems and chaos, but the corrupt cops do not?

Floyd didn’t raise his hands; investigators subsequently discovered two crumpled-up counterfeit $20 bills and two singles lodged in a section of the console where Lane said Floyd put his right hand.
New Transcripts Reveal How Suspicion Over Counterfeit Money Escalated Into The Death Of George Floyd

Brandumb claims that a lot of what Black people feel to experience in racism is actually "mythical", so therefore LeBron James needs to shut up and dribble, as was suggested by the far right hostess Laura Ingraham, from "faux noose". What Brandumb doesn't grasp is the fact that LeBron James happens to be extremely talented and that is what pays his job that people of all races endorse and enjoy seeing him doing. As if "urbody" needs to be as talented in some fraction, to be treated with respect.

The things Brandumb fails to mentioned, willing or unwillingly, of what Brandumb claims are just some elements of unjust that happen in all societies, but not to Black people that much, it's just "to some degree":

"A recent report from the advocacy group Young Invincibles suggests not: African American millennial men need two or more levels of education to have the same employment prospects as their white peers. White male college graduates have a 97.6% employment rate. Black male college graduates have a 92.8% employment rate—which correlates more closely with the job prospects for white men who have some college education but no degree (92.5%)."

Black Men Need More Education Than White Men to Get Jobs

”Similarly, the vast majority of counties arrest blacks at a higher rate than whites, with some having a disparity of greater than 10 to 1"

"close examination of wealth in the U.S. finds evidence of staggering racial disparities. At $171,000, the net worth of a typical white family is nearly ten times greater than that of a Black family ($17,150) in 2016."

"Gaps in wealth between Black and white households reveal the effects of accumulated inequality and discrimination, as well as differences in power and opportunity that can be traced back to this nation’s inception. The Black-white wealth gap reflects a society that has not and does not afford equality of opportunity to all its citizens."
Examining the Black-white wealth gap

African-American prisoners who were convicted of murder are about 50 percent more likely to be innocent than other convicted murderers and spend longer in prison before exoneration, according to a report released today that’s co-edited by a Michigan State University College of Law professor.
African-Americans More Likely to be Wrongfully Convicted

"African Americans are more frequently stopped, searched, arrested, and convicted—including in cases in which they are innocent. The extreme form of this practice is systematic racial profiling in drug-law enforcement. pp. 20-21"
African-American prisoners who are convicted of murder are about 50% more likely to be innocent than other convicted murderers. Part of that disparity is tied to the race of the victim. African Americans imprisoned for murder are more likely to be innocent if they were convicted of killing white victims. Only about 15% of murders by African Americans have white victims, but 31% of innocent African-American murder exonerees were convicted of killing white people.

Brandumb Tatum appears not to understand why there was civil unrest and an uprise against police brutality and an unjust socioeconomic system.



UPDATE: Prosecutors charge 3 more officers in George Floyd’s death


Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder


Report Shows Disproportionate Number of Black Defendants are Wrongfully Convicted |



Brandumb Tatum claims that Black American failures comes from bad culture and the Black African immigrant's success comes from proper-culture.

Brandumb furthermore claims that Asians are doing even better, because of their "superior culture". Again, while neglecting the fact that these immigrants come to the USA with an academic background and / or a bag of money and different motives.

These immigrant group don't have the same American experience and don't carry the burden of the Black American experience.

The O classification was created by the Immigration Act of 1990, Public Law 101-649 of November 29, 1990, to provide specifically for the admission of persons with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, and athletics, or extraordinary achievement…

"The increased flow of Africans over the last 10 years has been fueled by two components of the Immigration Act of 1990: the introduction of the diversity visa program and an increase in employment visas.".

"INS data show that immigration from Africa in the 1990s climbed to 33,800 annually, more than double the level of the 1980s (see Figure 1)."
U.S. Diversity Visas Are Attracting Africa’s Best and Brightest – Population Reference Bureau


In the U.S., 69% of sub-Saharan immigrants ages 25 and older in 2015 said they had at least some college experience. 2 In the same year, the share in the UK who reported some college experience was 49%, while it was lower still in France (30%), Portugal (27%) and Italy (10%)."
Sub-Saharan African Immigrants in U.S. More Educated Than Those in Top EU Countries


More than half of immigrants from South and East Asian countries (52.1%) had a bachelor’s degree or more in 2016, which is in part explained by Asian countries being the largest source of foreign college graduates who stay to work in the United States.

Education levels of U.S. immigrants are on the rise

The amount of nonsense (trash) that comes out of Brandumb Tatum his mouth is astonishing and ludicrous. It's also scary this man had a police uniform on as he patrolled the streets.

Lastly, Brandumb and his "wife". You be the judge.

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
In continuation of Brandumb Tatum, the mouth piece for white racist.

Brandumb is a walking and talking contradiction, who claims that slavery in America was not based on race, but based on power. However Blacks were the only one to be enslaved? The first Blacks weren't slaves but indentured servants. It was the white population that decided that Blacks couldn't be equal and thus needed to get a slave status. He claims that the first owner of slaves was a Black man named Anthony Johnson? And according to Brandumb there was hundreds of Black people who were slave owners, like Anthony Johnson.

Of course Brandumb is not going to say that Anthony Johnson was put into bondage, and he most likely bought other Black people to free them from bondage, like those allegedly "hundreds of other Black slave owning" people did.

William T. Thompson:
Our idea is simply to combine the present battle flag with a pure white standard sheet; our Southern cross, blue on a red field, to take the place on the white flag that is occupied by the blue union in the old United States flag or the St. George’s cross in the British flag. As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematic of our cause."

Brandumb probably has never heard of Morton, Blumenbach etc. folks who created the race theory, which became the basis for modern racism. To Brandumb slavery was not based on race, but Romanus Pontifex, Pope Nicolas V of 1455, speaks different.

Legal and philosophical arguments to address this issue began to evolve during the second half of the fifteenth century, once Portuguese mariners began to return to Iberia with captives acquired in West Africa and West Central Africa. Notably, the treatment of “black Gentiles” was addressed in 1452 and 1455, when Pope Nicolas V issued a series of papal bulls that granted Portugal the right to enslave sub-Saharan Africans. Church leaders argued that slavery served as a natural deterrent and Christianizing influence to “barbarous” behavior among pagans. Using this logic, the Pope issued a mandate to the Portuguese king, Alfonso V, and instructed him
Pope Nicolas V and the Portuguese Slave Trade · African Laborers for a New Empire: Iberia, Slavery, and the Atlantic World · Lowcountry Digital History Initiative

Brandumb stated that Madam C.J. Walker became wealthy, so actually there was no racism. Brandumb doesn't tell the interviewer that Madam C.J. Walker navigated a system during the Black Codes, which sabotaged the freedoms Blacks had during the Reconstruction era, and Black Americans were put into the Jim Crow laws.

Of course white mouth piece Brandumb is going to talk about Callie House.

Callie House is most famous for her efforts to gain reparations for former slaves and is regarded as the early leader of the reparations movement among African American political activists. Callie Guy was born a slave in Rutherford Country near Nashville, Tennessee. Her date of birth is usually assumed to be 1861, but due to the lack of birth records for slaves, this date is not certain. She was raised in a household that included her widowed mother, sister, and her sister’s husband. House received some primary school education.
Callie Guy House (ca. 1861-1928) •

Anthony Johnson first arrived in Virginia in 1621. Referred to as "Antonio a Negro" in early records, Anthony went to work on a tobacco plantation. It's not clear whether he was an indentured servant (a servant contracted to work for a set amount of time) or a slave.
Anthony and Mary eventually bought their way out of bondage."
In 1665 Anthony and his family sold their 250 acres and moved to Maryland, where they leased a 300-arce tract of land. Anthony died five years later, in the spring of 1670; Mary renegotiated the lease for another 99 years. That same year, a court back in Virginia ruled that, because "he was a Negro and by consequence an alien," the land owned by Johnson (in Virginia) rightfully belonged to the Crown.
Africans in America/Part 1/Anthony Johnson

By an order of 7 Apr. 1773 the Privy Council stopped further grants of land by the colonial governors, and by an order of 3 Feb. 1774 the same body set forth a plan for subsequent disposition of lands-namely, by auction-and abrogated the previous methods, such as the long-standing importation or headright system by which fifty acres of land were assigned to an individual for each person imported and settled by that individual in America.
Founders Online: Petition of George Mason for Warrants for Lands in Fincastle C …

"The Homestead Act not only encouraged migration by Americans but immigrants from Europe as well. The U.S. government provided 160 acres of land often taken from Native peoples to immigrants who declared intent to become citizens and willingness to farm on the land for five years. Emigration societies operating in Europe and the eastern United States promoted migration and the benefits of citizenship."
Land and Opportunity

Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter. Adults usually served for four to seven years and children sometimes for much longer, with most working in the colony’s tobacco fields. With a long history in England, indentured servitude became, during most of the seventeenth century, the primary means by which Virginia planters filled their nearly inexhaustible need for labor. At first, the Virginia Company of London paid to transport servants across the Atlantic, but with the institution of the headright system in 1618, the company enticed planters and merchants to incur the cost with the promise of land. As a result, servants flooded into the colony, where they were greeted by deadly diseases and often-harsh conditions that killed a majority of newcomers and left the rest to the mercy of sometimes-cruel masters.
Indentured Servants in Colonial Virginia – Encyclopedia Virginia

Actually Brandumb is telling us that the 13th, 14th and 15th amandement weren't written for the Black population, by his logic.

Brandumb is telling us that Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act in 1862 for Black people, that paid up to $300 for every enslaved person freed. I mean, that is not just disingenuous, it's a straight up lie.

On April 16, 1862, the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act became law. Originally sponsored by Senator Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, the act freed slaves in the District of Columbia and compensated owners up to $300 for each freeperson.
U.S. Senate: The Civil War: The Senate's Story

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