Is a College Degree Necessary in all reality?


Jun 8, 2012
There are very few six figure professions that don't require a college degree or advanced degree.

On average, a college graduate earns much more than a high school diploma. Over a lifetime, a person with a college degree will earn $2.3 million more than a person with a high school diploma. This is a fact.

People mistakenly assume the household incomes of Asians and Indians are a result of owning small businesses, but their much higher incomes are really a result of their higher education attainment. As an African immigrant raised in the U.S, i can attest to this higher education fueled social mobility. I know dozens and dozens of families who were able to move from poor working class to being securely in the middle or upper middle classes in the span of a generation.

I can guarantee you, the black population in this country could dramatically close the income and wealth gap if we doubled or tripled the number of people who go to and graduate college.

I say that confidently even given the inherent hiring discrimination practices in this country.

I wish someone would do a study on education/incomes/wealth of black immigrants vs educatio/incomes/wealth of native born blacks. I bet you we would not only see correlation, but causality.
You can't guarantee a thing when it comes to blacks as a GROUP not individuals here and there closing the income/wealth gap in dramatic fashion. it would not happen.

You said it yourself, you're not a US born African American. you live a different experience. Do not assume your experience is the same as ours just because we are about the same shade of brown. it's not the same. there are instances where in america you will get that US born black bad treatment. but those are instances. your life is not the same as mine. School or no school.

First and foremost. If they have to choose between Natural born AA and 100% african now a citizen of the US after taking the citizenship test. These companies would choose the 100% african. There's a reason for that. The #1 reason is that you wont put up the same fight that Natural born AA's will and have in the past. This is one of the main reasons they choose other minority groups over us. It's also why other minority groups choose other minority groups over natural born AA's with the exact same skills/credentials and work ethic. We know our rights and we will say something if we feel we're being once again treated like less thans. for the most part foreigners WILL NOT ROCK THE BOAT. one thing the white man does not want to deal with is a Boat rocking Black person. The reason being is their pathology(not all but a huge portion of them) that says whatever ish you throw at black people they better shut up and take it. This is why white people were so upset at Colin Kaep. he would not allow it to be yet another instance of .."So what yall are being treated like crap. Shut up. and take it." This is and has been their mantra since the beginning.

Listen. I'm not completely mad at foreigners not rocking the boat. this aint your country aka this aint your house. you dont go into some other person's home talking about they need to clean up their nasty house or "you shouldnt talk to your family members like that."

You sit tight put your head down and hope they dont come at you with the nonsense. In addition. black foreigners are a much smaller group than natural born AA's. meaning you're not an actual threat. same with Asians, keep their heads down, small numbers. are ALLOWED to make that money. If AA's were only 2% of America, they probably would give us the same treatment. then i would agree with you or anyone else who said lets all go to college and make that money like asians have done.

What you also have to realize is if all of a sudden 80% of black youth started coming into the work world with degrees on their resumes. They will MOVE the goal post.and that is even a fantasy. Because how do you get that many black youth to be well enough educated to get into these colleges and to then be able to graduate with degrees in industries that will make them a good living after they graduate? Do you understand how bad AA's schools are from 1st - 12th grade?

it's not just about saying "go to college." it aint that easy. it's much easier for you to tell a lot of white people that because their schools are still much better than AA schools. So at minimum they can get in a low college and barely graduate on time/skating by. AA's can't do that at this point in time.

You have to give people tools to improve themselves. They intentionally take our tools or dont give us those tools. This is by design. This is not new. White people for the most part have all the resources.

Remember. they wouldnt let us read. this game them a few centuries on their head start.
Then they wouldn't allow us to learn with them. this gave added to their head start.
Then when they allowed us to learn with them once too many of us tried to learn next to them/and their kids. They would move their kids out of those schools and into other predominately white schools with more resources. by doing this, they would drain the school of their resources and connections to resources. remember white people didnt have the barriers AA's have had for centuries. So it makes since that they have more resources and more access to resources vs AA's.
And if by some miracle as a whole group black people started to do a lot better education wise. you do realize white people will do what they have always done throughout time when it comes to us in the US. which is, "what yall N words doing over here? Yall can't be all extra smart now. So what we're going to do is claim reverse racism since you have these schools that are predominately black and successful. now we're going to force laws on you to make you allow the entrance of white children. messing up our chances of success by virtue of taking our seats. For the record this has been done at my old high school. it used to be mostly whites before my time. then they started bussing us over there and some well to do black folks started sending their kids their. and it was known as a pretty good school for black kids. then the white kids started moving their kids out of the school when i got there. Now, they are coming back to that school with laws that say now they have to let in more white kids because the demographics is mostly black. But wait, why you want to come back after you left? because yall are doing too well. we gotta break that up. this means there's less seats available to other black kids. Where are the left out black kids going to school then? some have other choices of good spots but most dont. so we just lost X amt of kids to a bad education. The system is setup for them as a group to succeed and for AA's as a GROUP not a few fail.


Jun 8, 2012
It is necessary to be a part of the normal job field, but you most def do not need it in reality. Everyone tries to get one, which is why everyone feels like they need it.

Actual ability to perform the job as required > piece of paper saying you sat in class X hours.

That's in my opinion though. I get why there's a degree gate for damn near everything.
why do you think their is a degree gate for everything? you do know it was not always like this.


Jun 8, 2012
Post a link to that study.

All I know is the richest and most successful people spend a considerable amount of time and money making sure their kids have the best shot at getting into good universities. I've never heard a successful lawyer or executive try to steer their kids to become certified HVAC technicians or Dental assistants.

I guess it all depends on the ambition you have for your station in life and that of your kids. If your hopes for your kid is a HVAC technicial cert, thats fine. :yeshrug:

I want my future kids to aim for Ivy League schools and advanced degrees.
First off. they do that for prestige sake when we're talking about the super rich. lets be honest. sending your child to a college to get a degree to get a profession to work for someone else when you the parent is already making millions working for yourself most likely is STUPID. whatever job they get will never match their parent's earning potential. thats all facts, unless we're talking about doctors/lawyers/engineers. and most people DO NOT HAVE THE APTITUDE to pull off those jobs nor the schooling to get those jobs. so lets talk about the other jobs that most college grads will be able to go to school for and get jobs doing.

So again, why would the rich put their kids in school? to network. thats more important than any degree they get(not talking about professional degrees mentioned above.) You are a kid of rich parents. you are going to the best schools, you are constantly in contact with other rich kids. you keep doing this and you will have made a nice little network of HAVES and you didnt mess around with many if any have nots. this means when your parents are dead and gone you have enough connects to keep you in the Haves category.

Me with my broke black self going to the local JC aint making no big time connects. now I can make some decent ones. but nothing on the scale of Trumps children or gates kids, or beyonce's kids, or the obama kids.

You are going to school with the next batch of congressmen and woman. policy makers. doctors/lawyers/engineers/inventors with the money and connections to actually see their ideas thru.

vs Me. I'm going to school with dudes and ladies who will work for the public sector or get some job at a private company making between 35k and 90k(on the super high end for black folks with degrees.)

These people are worker bees and nothing more. they aint about to get me to the HAVEs class. They dont have enough to pull that off.

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
why do you think their is a degree gate for everything? you do know it was not always like this.

The gate is because it's always stressed to kids as a way to a better life. Those institutions have to be fed too and I'm sure that played a massive part. They treat kids like cash cattle. Shuffle them in and get the max coin they can and don't bother helping with a job after.

I know it wasn't always like that, and in reality it really shouldn't be like that either. But again a degree is so commonplace - despite being optional education - that employers just have it as a minimum. I don't like it because many jobs can be easily had via training as opposed to reserving your seat in a classroom for four years with potential drowning debt.


May 1, 2012
Yes and no it can create a wall for you no matter how good you are at your job.


♥ Black Love
May 5, 2015
Depends on what path they wish to take in life.. There are high school dropouts who are millionaires right now (and I'm not talking rappers and drug dealers), and on the other side of the coin you have people living check to check with Masters Degrees or making a modest income, but not living life to the fullest.
:yeshrug: For me obtaining a College Degree is more of a personal accomplishment for myself, my family, and just as a Black Man in general. Especially a nikka like me, who has been bad, and involved in shyt that got me in trouble my entire life (until recent years I've matured and changed my ways). I was NOT supposed to even step foot on a College campus according to statistics. nikkas who were good and never got into REAL shyt cannot relate to how much of an accomplishment that is for certain individuals.
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Jun 8, 2012
Depends on what path they wish to take in life.. There are high school dropouts who are millionaires right now (and I'm not talking rappers and drug dealers), and on the other side of the coin you have people living check to check with Masters Degrees or making a modest income, but not living life to the fullest.
:yeshrug: For me obtaining a College Degree is more of a personal accomplishment for myself, my family, and just as a Black Man in general. Especially a nikka like me, who has been bad, and involved in shyt that got me in trouble my entire life (until recent years I've matured and changed my ways). I was NOT supposed to even step foot on a College campus according to statistics. nikkas who were good and never got into REAL shyt cannot relate to how much of an accomplishment that is for certain individuals.
i feel you on that personal accomplishment move. daps on that for real. But i want all people especially black people to get off that wave. college is an ends to a mean. thats it. they put that stupid pay wall up so a lot of people have to use it in order to get to point B. but there are ways around it and thru it. But there is no such wave as not studying anything and that being enough. you will have to study whatever it is you plan on doing. if it's planning on being a business owner, you better be studying other business owners, studying the type of business you want to go into etc. if it's programming, the same rules apply, studying those languages and the logic. or some other job where you will need a certificate and not a degree to get and get paid well.

lets stop using college as a feel good story. it costs too much to play that game. find another legit way to raise your self esteem that wont run you into debt.
Jul 25, 2014
wildcats nation
It’s as simples as this.
College degree = House worker/ Desk Job/ more prestigious/ ability to move up chain of command
Trade/Cert = Field worker/ manual labor/ less prestigious/ has chain of command glass ceiling
Both may or may not have equal pay it depends on what degree you get and trade skill you acquire.


Nov 19, 2016
This bytch ass nikka still telling black people they shouldn't aspire for college or advanced degrees despite the overwhelming data showing what happens when blacks, especially black men, don't? :dwillhuh: