Iran retaliates against Israel with 100s of drones, cruise, ballistic missiles for striking their Embassy (4/13) BREAKING: Israel strikes Iran (4/18)


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
Every day this shyt show keeps going is a bullet in Trump's chopper for Biden

He's going to fukking slaughter that nikka with one liners and adlibs at the debates

We should be talking about abortion and civil rights. Instead this retard let Israel dog walk him to a genocide and possible regional war.

This fakkit took America out of Afghanistan and towards Iran. And Democrats have the nerve to be confused about people questioning his age and mental fortitude

Bro you know nothing about geopolitics. Nothing.

Please educate yourself first.

Trump himself has said Biden is not doing enough to help Israel. Trump has said he would make Gaza disappear in one week.

Trump ordered the killing of that Iranian general based on Bibi orders.

Take off the MAGA hat for a second

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
Bro you know nothing about geopolitics. Nothing.

Please educate yourself first.

Trump himself has said Biden is not doing enough to help Israel. Trump has said he would make Gaza disappear in one week.

Trump ordered the killing of that Iranian general based on Bibi orders.

Take off the MAGA hat for a second
Really think about what I wrote and reread it. I said we should be talking about other things instead of this. The fact that it got to this point doesn't do any favors for Biden.

We know what Trump wants to do and has done. We want Biden to be different. If he wants to be Trump, he will fail. Because Donald fukking Trump is a better Trump.

I'm well versed in foreign policy. But this is not about that. This is common sense. Biden administration trying to be Trump Administration Lite ™️ on this matter is a failing policy. It will cost him the election and he will have no one to blame but himself.


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
Honestly, it sounds like more and more Israel and the other allies we have in the Middle East are just concerned that America is shifting away from the Middle East and into Asia to seek a better future and investment for itself than their region can provide.

More and more as our shift to electric grows, the Suez Canal basically gets less and less important because the main import/export there by far is oil. Meanwhile, where are the electric powerhouses located that will be providing future energy resources? Asia and the Pacific.

I think Israel is concerned that this is basically the last chance they have from America to attack and wage war with Iran. I'm pretty certain that's what they're getting us to try and do.

It just sounds like we're nearly out of there with the drama and this is the last thing keeping us (see bolded highlights). At this point I think we're ok with simply leaving a small footprint in the region in order not to surrender a power vacuum.

If this were 20 years ago America absolutely would've bossed up and gone in trying to level Iran if we thought there was something more beneficial in the region. As time went on it's become clear to us it's bullshyt. It's a dang shame that conflict was basically for naught or all but to come to this conclusion.

We're not focused on enforcing this region as much anymore because we now know it'll be more trouble than it's worth. We're not going to get ourselves into another expensive (due to loss of American lives and financially) conflict in the region imo. This is most likely the support Israel will get from us: we'll help defend and that's it.

Israel wants us to bomb them like Russia and Ukraine, but most likely the only offense Biden and company will provide are sanctions. Unfortunately, if this conflict keeps siphoning money from us and Americans start threatening a new change in leadership, you'll see far less support than this.


US foreign policy is undergoing a shift in priorities, and global power dynamics are shifting with it. After a period of prolonged preoccupation with the Middle East, the U.S. has signaled a declining interest in the region. Instead, China (and more broadly the Asia-Pacific region) has emerged as the new focus. Both China and the Middle East recognize this shift. Beijing is gearing up to confront what it views as the key threat to its ascent on the international stage while the Middle East is bewildered and “running for cover.” This essay analyzes the global implications of the US priority shift and discusses the formal and structural changes representing the shift in focus to China; the signaling of disinterest and disengagement in the Middle East; the consequential and resultant shifts in regional power dynamics; and how the US policy should respond.

The Shift to China​

Unlike in their domestic policies, Presidents Biden and Trump bear similarities in foreign policy. Trump was quick to position China at the center of his foreign policy agenda. Under his tenure, the U.S. levied additional tariffs on Chinese goods and saw “at least 210 public actions related to China that spanned at least 10 departments” in a whole-of-government approach (WGA). Biden retained Trump’s tough-on-China strategy and signaled a continuity in the focus on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). While it was former President Barak Obama who first stated his intent to pivot to Asia, the shift should be attributed mostly to Trump first, and now Biden.

Despite the similarity in direction, there are differences between the Trump and Biden strategies toward China. Critically, whereas the Trump administration made China the central focus of US foreign policy, the Biden administration formally shifted US foreign policy to China and away from the Middle East.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan has restructured the National Security staff in the Middle East and Asia directorates — downsizing the team devoted to the Middle East and bulking up the unit that coordinates US policy toward the vast region of the world stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific… The changes essentially flip the structure of the Obama-era NSC, where the Middle East directorate was much bigger than it is now and the Asia portfolio was managed by a handful of more junior staffers..

The National Security Council now operates under the pretense that China and Russia present the primary challenges to the US, the West, and the liberal international order and are America’s biggest security challenge going forward.

Signaling Disengagement with the Middle East​

On the hand, Middle East policy has morphed into passive observance. Perhaps the most compelling signal regarding the US disengagement with the Middle East was the inconsistency in the policy toward the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA; Iran Nuclear Deal) US foreign policy has engaged in alarming about turns, from championing the JCPOA, to walking away from it, to signaling renewed interest. The world used to believe that US foreign policy trajectory relies more on a set of overarching values and institutional precedents and not solely on the whims of the White House. The Middle East no longer values this inference. The hasty withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan and the continued absence of a plan for the role the US will play in the region has also startled the leaders in the Middle East. They have interpreted it not only as a lack of interest in anything other than China (and now Russia), but also as an explicit disengagement and even disconnection from everything that is not China (and now Russia).

As the last US plane departed Kabul in 2021, Secretary of State Antony Blinken remarked, “A new chapter of America’s engagement with Afghanistan has begun… the military mission is over, a new, diplomatic mission has begun.” Almost two years later, the US Embassy in Kabul remains unoccupied. For leaders in the Middle East, this appears less about a new chapter and more about closing the book. The Middle East has now decided move on as well.

The Consequences​

As a result of American regional disengagement, many regional powers in both the Middle East and the broader Arab World find themselves with more license to chart a new direction. Two shifts have emerged as the most salient from an American perspective: the normalization of Iran and Syria. The US reversals on the Iran nuclear deal dented the confidence of the ‘anti-Iran’ coalition that the U.S. had worked to build. Though countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel did not need the US to tell them to dislike Iran, others, like “the United Arab Emirates, for instance, [are] taking steps to de-escalate [their] own tensions with Tehran, after years of striking a harsher tone.” In the post-American Middle East, the UAE is increasing its efforts to be seen as a regional power, especially among the Gulf Countries. Part of this includes a far-reaching, rapprochement-styled foreign policy that has made it one of the first major, non-allied countries to normalize relations with both Iran and Syria following the U.S.’s disengagement.

How U.S. Policy Should Respond​

Washington must realize that it is difficult to rank regions of the world in terms of their value to the US Headlines in magazines lamenting the irrelevance of the Middle East are not only trite but grossly misleading. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan wrote in Foreign Affairs that diplomacy in the Middle East can succeed where America’s past military interventions have failed. Sullivan advised that America ought to use regional diplomacy in place of military involvement to advance carefully selected interests. What Sullivan does not realize is that regional diplomacy has begun to move on without the US. So far, the US. has only signaled its disinterest and desire to disengage. Now, the US must focus on catching up in its involvement. The US gave up the Middle East in a self-proclaimed desire to commit to China. In doing so, however, has allowed China and the Middle East to commit to each other. As the US searches for growing Chinese power to counter, it need not look further than the place it is leaving.

Even the bills signed giving money to Ukraine and Israel have actually been lopsided in Ukraine's favor. I think this analysis isn't too far off, we're more concerned with China and Russia now as they have bigger impact in Asia.

If Russia wants to get involved in this expensive ass mess, I don't think those running America see that as much of a bad thing as the general public is making it out to be.
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The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Then Iran and the Middle East result to biological warfare on our troops and Pakistan nuclear threat to allies.

This is why it can't escalate and we can't ride with Israel.

Even conservative/middle political isle don't want to see us go on the offensive.

It's a sad day when I see online Conservatives have more common sense than Coli Liberals. We've got to be smart.

We'll still win, but many of our troops will die, our military resources would be more spent and America will go full Republican which internally will screw 90+% of the American people over for generations to come.

Yet what do we get out of it?
We're fighting for what to our benefit over there?
Nothing. fukking nothing.
We used American lives to protect a flaky "ally" for starting a mess. Terrific.

Middle East will be the Middle East.
It's time to move out of there and focus on more mutually beneficial, composed and honestly vastly more intelligent areas of the world.

Instead of investing here:

We're investing more here:

What are we doing here? Make it make sense.

Not to mention it's been more expensive for us due to the lives we lost being involved in the Middle East from the 1990's.

This has been expensive for jack shyt.

It's time for the future. Leave this place be.

Not to mention our troops would probably be vibing way more stationed in the Pacific than they would in the Middle Eastern desert and their families more relieved.

You're pulling out useless statistics like Zionists give a fukk about any of that :mjlol:

You misunderstand that the people at the top actually give a shyt beyond self serving means.

And their number 1 priority is protecting Israel, even if it costs them your life and freedom.


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
You're pulling out useless statistics like Zionists give a fukk about any of that :mjlol:

You misunderstand that the people at the top actually give a shyt beyond self serving means.

And their number 1 priority is protecting Israel, even if it costs them your life and freedom.
See the other post breh, America already made the decision to lean away from the Middle East and more into Asia. That's a fact.

I think you think they care more than they do about Israel/Iran/Palestine. 15-20 years ago, sure. Now, they only care about how it affects polls, but not in the direction the country is going and it's priorities.

Soon one or more of Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia or a number of other critical Asian countries will basically be the new Israel.

Middle East ain't the goal anymore. Especially if you're been paying attention to what we've been doing the last couple years.
It's why you're hearing more talks and drama with China than ever before, all the Asian country leaders who have recently visit Biden in the White House, etc. because we're trying to get more into the Pacific and expand there.

We're basically out of the Middle East and leaving it behind us.
In fact, China has taken over some of the regions there that we used to have bases located in.
On some "All yours chief" :mjlol: :heh:

This Israel/Iran/Palestine thing may be one of the last conflicts we probably address in the region and by address mean don't expect much in terms of offense or major operation. We'll entertain it for now, but if it starts jeopardizing our resources for our Asian campaign that's when you'll see this government tell Netanyahu to kick rocks. If they think we're going to try and take on Iran for them, they're dead wrong.

shyt, it's why there are more public Asian figures taking prominent government roles now. Got to put that image out there. Probably not a coincidence Kamala is the VP choice.
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Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
See the other post breh, America already made the decision to lean away from the Middle East and more into Asia. That's a fact.

I think you think they care more than they do about Israel/Iran/Palestine. 15-20 years ago, sure. Now, they only care about how it affects polls, but not in the direction the country is going and it's priorities.

Soon one or more of Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia or a number of other critical Asian countries will basically be the new Israel.

Middle East ain't the goal anymore. Especially if you're been paying attention to what we've been doing the last couple years.
It's why you're hearing more talks and drama with China than ever before, all the Asian country leaders who have recently visit Biden in the White House, etc. because we're trying to get more into the Pacific and expand there.

We're basically out of the Middle East and leaving it behind us.
In fact, China has taken over some of the regions there that we used to have bases located in.
On some "All yours chief" :mjlol: :heh:

This Israel/Iran/Palestine thing may be one of the last conflicts we probably address in the region and by address mean don't expect much in terms of offense or major operation. We'll entertain it for now, but if it starts jeopardizing our resources for our Asian campaign that's when you'll see this government tell Netanyahu to kick rocks. If they think we're going to try and take on Iran for them, they're dead wrong.

shyt, it's why there are more public Asian figures taking prominent government roles now. Got to put that image out there. Probably not a coincidence Kamala is the VP choice.

The middle east will be less relevant as we shift away from fossil fuels and become less energy dependent on that region.
A.I. and semiconducters are the new oil, which is another inventive for us to pivot towards Asia.


Mar 24, 2014
The middle east will be less relevant as we shift away from fossil fuels and become less energy dependent on that region.
A.I. and semiconducters are the new oil, which is another inventive for us to pivot towards Asia.

Asia sees you as food, not its partner..they are trying to surpass America, not need America.

AI will also help nations do certain things America only could due to its AI will isolate the US as no one will need the US as they perform their own high level tasks.


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
The middle east will be less relevant as we shift away from fossil fuels and become less energy dependent on that region.
A.I. and semiconducters are the new oil, which is another inventive for us to pivot towards Asia.
Yeah pretty much. The U.S's main loyalty is only keeping the U.S ahead of the game.

So yeah, if all the high-tech hardware and semiconductor work is being done in Asia. That's where we're looking to now and want a piece of it. This country won't rest on the past when it can look forward to the future.

Not only that, but so many more benefits around the Pacific and Asia >>>> plenty of bases located in the Middle East.

Everyone is saying Israel is using America, but I think they got it backwards. I definitely think Israel found out how sheisty and foul America is or at least they're getting a clue of it. We basically used them for Middle East propaganda and resources, now we're out of there and basically leaving them to defend themselves with much less support than they thought we'd give them.

A few years ago we basically told one of Israel's biggest enemies that they're free to pursue nuclear weapons again and additionally we gave them a few billions of dollars last year or the year before. The worst we do is put sanctions on them that we don't even enforce.

It's like that scene from Training Day, Israel found out you don't shake America's hand.

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Apr 30, 2012
When I say the US deserves anything that comes to us I mean it. We talk about how Rogue Israel is but we are just as rogue a straight terrorist nation. And at this point I believe all of these western nations and some eastern are controlled by the same people. None of which are elected people.