pos reppin as many haters as possible
Won't be much rep left to give soon
Ain't like these shyts legitimate negs tho, its just a couple haters telling their yes man what to do.
Had almost 200 pos rep points off the strength of a couple real nikkas agreeing with real nikka quotes, but it's all gravy, I don't want these worthless shyts anyway.
Either way, keep the negs coming, I'm pos repping every negger
I can't give u no more wenzel, i got u tomorrow if i got any rep left, I don't know u but I appreciate all the attention u gave me lately b, takes dedication, I'll always admire u for that.
Gotta support my #1 hater bruh bruh, u my nig, just try not to use teeth next time b.
just pos repped the last 6 neggers, good looking bruhs
Pos repping every neg until my shyt hits zero, get ur free pos reps