Drugs and Kalashnikovs
They look very much like Chinese people.
Blacks. The British brought the Chinese and Indians to work in the fields when slavery was abolished.
how come the blacks didnt do the work?
They look very much like Chinese people.
Blacks. The British brought the Chinese and Indians to work in the fields when slavery was abolished.
how come the blacks didnt do the work?
They look very much like Chinese people.
Because many of them were smart enough to realize that just going right back to the plantations wasn't a great idea. The Indians didn't work for free, but they worked for less than the Black freedmen and women would have worked for, plus many of the whites were averse to legitimately hiring people who had been seen as inhuman slaves just a short while before.
Why would the blacks want to go back and work for their slave masters?how come the blacks didnt do the work?
They are much darker though wouldn't you say? I never seen one and thought Chinese. They look like any other native people form central america or south america, but more dark skinned. But i agree if what you are tryign to say is most natives in this hemisphere look very asian. (like american indians for example)
EDIT: ehhh on second thought I see where you coming from. Not much darker...but still not Chinese imo.
Why would the blacks want to go back and work for their slave masters?
Indentured servants was slavery under a different name.
The Native Guyanese that I know in real life are much lighter. I don't know if they were mixed with white or what.
Why would the blacks want to go back and work for their slave masters?
Indentured servants was slavery under a different name.
The Native Guyanese that I know in real life are much lighter. I don't know if they were mixed with white or what.
I notice you are obsessed with light skin, dark skin, and who is mixed. I'm not dissing you, it's just weird to me. You must have had a lot of issues growing up with this topic. You are starting to remind me of principality of zero.
The internet has really opened up my eyes, because even though I heard these things, it wasn't an issue like it is on here. Maybe it's because I grew up in NYC when being black was seen as being proud of who you were, and separating someone because of their skin tone was not really heard of, unless it was backwards people fresh from the islands who wasn't about black unity, or people fresh from the rural south who were the same.
Man, people have some issues.
The dude asked me a question about them being darker and I replied to it.
Don't quote me again.
It's not just this time, I constantly see you turn topics into that issue or you only respond when that issue comes up when it comes to race. Like I stated it's not me disrespectful, just bringing it to your attention so you don't go down that psycho road that others have.
The British weren't angels, but I gotta give them props for what they did do right. West Indians are proud of their literacy rates. At least we used ot be...not so sure about these days. My grandmother talks about the Queen like a heroBe having me like
that's interesting, one thing ive noticed is that the most successful black nations arent really in africa, its the black caribbean nations like antigua, barabados bermuda etc
imo and my theory is that literacy made the difference, most caribbean nations have 90% literacy rate, except for haiti
The British weren't angels, but I gotta give them props for what they did do right. West Indians are proud of their literacy rates. At least we used ot be...not so sure about these days. My grandmother talks about the Queen like a heroBe having me like
And about Trini, i always look at them like our sister island...but they have a much better economy due to oil i believe so you dont see as much strife imo. Its a joke though, all the coolie people live on the island of Trinidad, and the blacks come from Tobago. To this day....every Trini i've met fits that mold lol.
@ white people crying about racism from locals, on certain islands in the Caribbean.
While I could and will never intellectually and morally condone racism of any kind....
....I must admit sometimes when I hear white people complaining about this my gut-reaction is. Especially when it's shyt like "they look at me funny" or "they aren't polite to us at all" .
Then I have to catch myself and turn on thewhile they go on.