They see themselves as Kenyan
I thought Indians had a significant power, but actually, they do not. They have the steel sector on lock, but even that's slowly moving away from them. Politically, they have no power. Kenyans do. Someone earlier said they don't assimilate, and that just isn't true at all. They are woven into the society and treating kenyans 'bad' would not work in their favor because they are a small minority and would literally receive backlash. They have no power to be able to do such a thing unlike cacs in south africa who make up the police force. In Kenya, natives make up the police force, politics, judges, EVERYTHING. Indians wouldn't stand a chance if they tried to treat natives terrible, they don't have that kind of power. People mistake them having certain sectors on lock, as having power, that's not quite how it works. AAs could have telecom on-lock, but you best believe they'll have to pay kick backs to the govt and wouldn't be able to control or treat cacs wrong. That's how it was explained to me.