In what ways do you expect rights of minorities to be infringed upon under this new administration?

Sep 12, 2013
I get it but try not to ignore the rest of what I said :mjlol:

Anyway, it's hard because a lot of times if they have fines or suspensions they cant afford to pay them off. It's simple economics. Remember most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, how can someone whose dead broke be thinking about ID?

Address the rest?

I'm sorry but obtaining a photo ID isn't hard and it should be a priority for every person living in this country if they expect to participate in the system. If you don't think it's important to carry around photo ID, regardless of who you are, then maybe the problem isn't the system.

As for the thing about targeting Mexicans and verifying their immigration status, yea that's fukked up. But you know what? Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country and it's hard to weed them out. Life can't always be fair. If you're a legal immigrant then you have nothing to worry about.

1/3 of the latino vote went Trump's way, remember that. So a lot of them weren't bothered by any of this :yeshrug:
Sep 12, 2013
Stop and frisk laws implemented by AG Guiliani. Policy being influenced by alt right racist like Steve Bannon from Breigbart

Do you believe stop and frisk would cut down on crime?

edit: I've tried to do research but there is conflicting information out there on both sides. It's hard to find ubiased information anymore.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
I'm sorry but obtaining a photo ID isn't hard and it should be a priority for every person living in this country if they expect to participate in the system. If you don't think it's important to carry around photo ID, regardless of who you are, then maybe the problem isn't the system.

As for the thing about targeting Mexicans and verifying their immigration status, yea that's fukked up. But you know what? Illegal immigration is a big problem in this country and it's hard to weed them out. Life can't always be fair. If you're a legal immigrant then you have nothing to worry about.

1/3 of the latino vote went Trump's way, remember that. So a lot of them weren't bothered by any of this :yeshrug:

The constitution does not state that you need photo ID. It's part of a reasonable expectation of privacy that nobody can ask you for photo ID. There is no voter fraud in America that warrants these voter ID laws and they are only instituted in states with Republican control and large poor Black populations. That is not a coincidence. Just because you say it isn't hard to obtain photo ID doesn't make it so. That's simply your opinion. If someone is dead broke and it costs them 3-500 dollars to get a photo ID they're not gonna sacrifice those crucial resources for their ID.

As far as illegal immigration, so you think that it's such a problem that the entire 4th Amendment should be repealed? That the government should have powers to, on purely racial bounds detain people who are not carrying the correct papers simply because they look a certain way? Mexican illegals and legals shouldn't be "weeded" out...the Mexican legals are American citizens and the law should be protecting them. The government works for them and they are owners of this government. It is just as much a Mexican legals country as it is any other group, so their rights matter just as much as everyone elses rights. So the laws MUST be fair, not that it "can't always be fair". It's THEIR country too breh.
Sep 12, 2013
The constitution does not state that you need photo ID. It's part of a reasonable expectation of privacy that nobody can ask you for photo ID. There is no voter fraud in America that warrants these voter ID laws and they are only instituted in states with Republican control and large poor Black populations. That is not a coincidence. Just because you say it isn't hard to obtain photo ID doesn't make it so. That's simply your opinion. If someone is dead broke and it costs them 3-500 dollars to get a photo ID they're not gonna sacrifice those crucial resources for their ID.

in what state does it cost 500 dollars to get a photo id???? and did you just insinuate there is zero voter fraud???

tell me what working person is too broke to afford a PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARD. come on bruh, stop feeling sorry for these people. it's not a race thing. if you're white, black, brown, yellow, purple... you need to have photo ID, especially if you plan on voting.

As far as illegal immigration, so you think that it's such a problem that the entire 4th Amendment should be repealed? That the government should have powers to, on purely racial bounds detain people who are not carrying the correct papers simply because they look a certain way? Mexican illegals and legals shouldn't be "weeded" out...the Mexican legals are American citizens and the law should be protecting them. The government works for them and they are owners of this government. It is just as much a Mexican legals country as it is any other group, so their rights matter just as much as everyone elses rights. So the laws MUST be fair, not that it "can't always be fair". It's THEIR country too breh.

you're not wrong, and i agree.

but when you say the laws MUST be fair... i would counter that and argue that complex issues require complex solutions. was affirmative action "fair"? i guess it depends on who you're asking. it was legislation meant to combat racism but how do you govern that? how many non-racist white people do you think were denied a job/scholarship purely because of their race? was the law protecting THEM? now i know... cac problems. no one cares. well be that as it may. facts are facts.

i think what separated trump and hillary this election was that trump, while headstrong, offered to give attention to these problems while hillary would have continued to sweep them under the rug and let them fester. the left always wants to "strive" to solve these problems but never actually offer up a solution.

hypothetically speaking if this country is able to curb it's illegal immigration problem effectively and keep it that way moving forward, then this could just be a temporary situation. and again i'll point out that trump and his strict policies garnered 1/3 of the hispanic vote. so obviously there are some of them that are willing to get their hands dirty.
Sep 12, 2013
these dishonest talking points are starting to ruin the forum and stifle conversation
We should really get the forum administrators to give everyone an option to choose what threads they want to participate in instead of forcing you to read (and post) in threads you want no part of.

an even bigger problem is dishonest outrage.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
We should really get the forum administrators to give everyone an option to choose what threads they want to participate in instead of forcing you to read (and post) in threads you want no part of.

an even bigger problem is dishonest outrage.

Your talking points have been beaten into dust over the last 8 years.

You're either extremely ignorant or a racist troll. It gets old.


Jun 18, 2012
Are you black or some other minority?

If so how do you see this effecting you personally?

And can you think of anything else?

of course this is going to affect (not effect) minorities...these laws were PROVEN TO TARGET MINORITIES. That's why the Supreme Court deemed it as unconstitutional. And yes, I'm black, and yes it would affect me. If some a$$hole pig pulls me over because I'm black, and I didn't break a crime, that's a clear infringement on my civil rights.


Jun 18, 2012
Do you believe stop and frisk would cut down on crime?

edit: I've tried to do research but there is conflicting information out there on both sides. It's hard to find ubiased information anymore.

I've got a question for you. If the government had a mandate that all cars in the United States must have a car breathalyzer, would that not cut down drunk driving deaths significantly? Makes sense, right? We would save thousands of lives every year if cars could only be operated by sober people. The only problem is that you're condemning the people who did nothing wrong. Everyone would be in fukking arms if that ever happened.