I honestly feel from an unbias point ov view alot ov nikkas in the game were sick ov pacs beefing it had gone way over the line /over board just noone had the heart to say it to his face cause it wouldnt be met with a great response

....... Am a keep it real it did cause alot ov division within hiphop at that time .... I understand pacs anger and frustation at certain nikkas on the east but he was going way over board to the point he couldnt stop it going out ov control

....... I wish (and i get alot ov stick for saying this ) pac had focused his energy more on his number 1 real enimie ( you know the nikka who actully had pac shot /robbed ) instead ov focusing on the food which was biggie n puffy .... He went the whole year without mentionng henchman until againest all odds .... Pac had suge backing him he shoud have focused anything he could have to make henchman a fool .... Am not saying pac was scared ov hench but he deffo was wary ov him otherwise he wouldnt ov chose the easy targets instead real talk.....