Goku taught Gohan how to go Super Saiyan in the hyberbolic time chamber. The ONLY reason he wasn't the one who initially taught Gohan was because he sacrificed himself to save Gohan.....
Goku taught both Trunks and Goten the Fusion technique and the reason Gotenks was able to go Super Saiyan 3 was because of both Trunks and Goten learning how to do it from Goku....
Again, Goku was directly responsible for teaching both Gohan and Goten crucial techniques that enabled them to later defend the planet in his absence

I'll give you that but who taught Gohan all the basics
who taught him to gather his ki- Piccolo
who taught him to use the Massenko-ha -Piccolo
who trained him to fight- Piccolo
who taught him to stop being a punk- Piccolo
going super saiyen and not being able to fight wouldn't have helped

now let's look at Goten
who taught him to fight- Chi Chi and Gohan
who taught him to fly- unintentionally Gohan
go ssj= he and Trunks taught themselves
Now more importantly who made sure that the family had food and transportation- Chi Chi and the Ox King
Who paid the bill- Chi Chi and the Ox King
realistically aside from taking 2mins to teach his son and friend how to do a pose to fuse and taking training Gohan in the hyperbolic chamber what else did he do for his kids

Placing the burden of protecting the planet..... yeah a 16 yrs old and a 6 year old should have that responsibility

Why didn't he teach Gohan how to become ssj when they were training with Piccolo before the androids arrived?

Why didn't he teach his sons to do the instant transmission??? :mjps: what he was afraid they'd actually come looking for him when he ran off