Imagine if Goku was your dad


Jun 12, 2012
This thread is jokes


Can yall imagine how many nikkas Chi-Chi wouldve been through if Goku was away for that long in this day and age? :heh:

She would've had a stable of nikkas dikking her down

Goku already put that fear in her years ago, she would dare go trifling or pay the price.
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PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Actually I don't see Goku as being a TERRIBLE father, but he WAS an immature one....

Remember, Goku sacrificed his life not once, but TWICE in defense of his Son Gohan...

When the world was at stake and Cell was bossin around like he was invincible, Goku, as a father, put all of his trust in Gohan. That's a hell of a legacy to pass down to your pre-teen son and have the CONFIDENCE that he could get it done. Remember, Goku was seen throughout the UNIVERSE as the premier warrior. Having defeated the destroyer of planets himself Frieza, being the first Super Saiyan in thousands of years, he set aside all pride and ego and told his son that he was in fact, stronger than him:obama:

Goku had trust again, in Goten and Trunks, that they could learn the fusion technique and defeat Majin Buu, again, seeing the potential in his Son and encouraging him against seemingly impossible odds.

The one smart thing that Goku did in all of this, is forsee that ONE DAY the world's heroes would have to survive without him. He did what he could as far as making sure his two sons had the proper training to defend the world in his absence, as a father I commend him for that...

Now going away to train Uub for 7 years is just ridiculous.....:why:

But again, you have to look at how Goku himself grew up. He was an alien kid with NO family whose adopted grandfather died when he was young and left him in the middle of a forest with nothing but a hut and a Dragonball. Goku didn't grow up understanding proper family etiquette and dynamics. He was mentored to fight and from a young age was forced into heroics. Hell Goku didn't even know what the hell a "wife" was, he thought he and Chi Chi were going to have some kind of special food....

You know what you could of said?

So Goku this bad father, but then you'll turn around and talk about how great a Wrestler is when they be on he road for like 320 days a year :huhldup:


Jun 12, 2012
Actually I don't see Goku as being a TERRIBLE father, but he WAS an immature one....

Remember, Goku sacrificed his life not once, but TWICE in defense of his Son Gohan...

When the world was at stake and Cell was bossin around like he was invincible, Goku, as a father, put all of his trust in Gohan. That's a hell of a legacy to pass down to your pre-teen son and have the CONFIDENCE that he could get it done. Remember, Goku was seen throughout the UNIVERSE as the premier warrior. Having defeated the destroyer of planets himself Frieza, being the first Super Saiyan in thousands of years, he set aside all pride and ego and told his son that he was in fact, stronger than him:obama:

Goku had trust again, in Goten and Trunks, that they could learn the fusion technique and defeat Majin Buu, again, seeing the potential in his Son and encouraging him against seemingly impossible odds.

The one smart thing that Goku did in all of this, is forsee that ONE DAY the world's heroes would have to survive without him. He did what he could as far as making sure his two sons had the proper training to defend the world in his absence, as a father I commend him for that...

Now going away to train Uub for 7 years is just ridiculous.....:why:

But again, you have to look at how Goku himself grew up. He was an alien kid with NO family whose adopted grandfather died when he was young and left him in the middle of a forest with nothing but a hut and a Dragonball. Goku didn't grow up understanding proper family etiquette and dynamics. He was mentored to fight and from a young age was forced into heroics. Hell Goku didn't even know what the hell a "wife" was, he thought he and Chi Chi were going to have some kind of special food....



Jun 12, 2012
I'll give you that but who taught Gohan all the basics
who taught him to gather his ki- Piccolo
who taught him to use the Massenko-ha -Piccolo
who trained him to fight- Piccolo
who taught him to stop being a punk- Piccolo

going super saiyen and not being able to fight wouldn't have helped :mjpls:

now let's look at Goten
who taught him to fight- Chi Chi and Gohan
who taught him to fly- unintentionally Gohan
go ssj= he and Trunks taught themselves

Now more importantly who made sure that the family had food and transportation- Chi Chi and the Ox King
Who paid the bill- Chi Chi and the Ox King

realistically aside from taking 2mins to teach his son and friend how to do a pose to fuse and taking training Gohan in the hyperbolic chamber what else did he do for his kids :mjpls:
Placing the burden of protecting the planet..... yeah a 16 yrs old and a 6 year old should have that responsibility :skip:

Why didn't he teach Gohan how to become ssj when they were training with Piccolo before the androids arrived? :mjpls:

Why didn't he teach his sons to do the instant transmission??? :mjps: what he was afraid they'd actually come looking for him when he ran off :mindblown:

Brings tears of laughter each time I read this:mjcry:


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Man, people WILDLY exaggerate the "Goku is a bad father" thing. He's kind of irresponsible but he's nowhere near as bad as people like to say.

And most of the time he left was because he was dead or he was training to go save the world. And by the time he left to train Uub his kids were grown.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Or the fact that he gave Cell a senzu bean before their match allowing Cell to whoop Gohan's ass at full strength before he could turn ssj 2

Yeah...that was Goku's single biggest fukkup move as a dad.
eh... Chi Chi basically conned Goku into marrying her. She knew Goku since he was a boy, she KNEW he wasn't about that married life. On their first date she said that he should think of the most "pleasurable thing" to do and get her to do it, so he sparred with her all day:laff::laff::laff:

It's like those desperate hood rats who latch onto the thug nikkas who have multiple baby mommas and don;t do right by ANY of them, and yet she allows herself to "fall in love" with anyway:skip: you get exactly what you got....
That is GOAT
if you read the manga gon talks to his aunt about how ging is not really a father :russ: and from there you can guess he thinks of her as his real parent over ging

Yeah Ging the WOAT. Abandoning your kid is one thing, telling serial killers to fukk your kid up if they see him is another.

Still Gon ain't shyt as a son neither. When he was given the choice to learn about his Mom he was like "FDB I already got aunt miu :mjpls:"