Im starting to hate people who dont smoke bud

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
I hate people that try to push it on you like the OP. I don't complain about you smoking so hop off my dikk when I tell you that I don't want any. Weed isn't for everyone - I've smoked all through senior year of High School and decided for myself that I didn't like the effects. Not everybody reacts to weed in the same way.
People Who smoke need to stop tryna get non-smokers to be "enlightened" and people who don't need to shut the fukk up about weed.

And I smoke daily :mjpls:


All Star
May 29, 2013
Bud opens your intuative abilities in a sense and if you aren't ready for it, it wigs you out and you get the paranoia and anxiety. You don't need substances do open it but most people are busy basically living their robotic lives, so you don't get a chance to have moments of clarity. I am a heavy smoker and I get it from time to time when i'm smoking with less-than-savory characters and when you get high it makes you see people for who they really are. I can come off as brash and if you don't respect me, I can make you learn to do so really fast but overall i'm a good person but when i'm high I can really see when someone is just genuinely bad.

I say all that to say, when you're a little but of a virgin smoker, you have to make certain your surroundings are peaceful and free of bad energy. Cannabis is a wonderful substance and I use it for meditative purposes and as a mood enhancer so the next time you smoke, be in the comort of your own home, put on your favorite movie, let go, and zone the fukk out. Cannabis is very potent these days and when non smokers smoke they usually start off with a hard hitting indica that's not for everyone and they smoke too much trying to keep up with real smokers in a cipher or face a whole blunt without letting the high kick in first because they are just anxious to smoke.

Take 2 or 3 tokes off of some good purp and just chill out and let the high come to you, don't chase it and I guarantee you will feel really good. If you still feel the anxiety, you are most likely the problem and you have to look within yourself and deal with your demons.

Excuse my smart dumb sh1t but i'm stoned right now and feeling grand...

ive had a lot of revelations about myself and my life on weed, it honestly makes me a better person each day


Jul 14, 2013
I hate people that try to push it on you like the OP. I don't complain about you smoking so hop off my dikk when I tell you that I don't want any. Weed isn't for everyone - I've smoked all through senior year of High School and decided for myself that I didn't like the effects. Not everybody reacts to weed in the same way.

I agree with this and I tell my boys to chill the fukk out when they try to push weed on people who just have no interest in smoking. If you've had a bad experience with weed, I will tell you why I think you did and leave it at that. I also have the more for me mentality so if I try to pass you the blunt and you're like :whoa:, i'm like :manny:, and I continue to :cook:.

Now, I do dislike people that have that holier than thou complex because they don't smoke but are heavy drinkers but I applaud straight edge people.


May 18, 2012
Bud opens your intuative abilities in a sense and if you aren't ready for it, it wigs you out and you get the paranoia and anxiety. You don't need substances do open it but most people are busy basically living their robotic lives, so you don't get a chance to have moments of clarity. I am a heavy smoker and I get it from time to time when i'm smoking with less-than-savory characters and when you get high it makes you see people for who they really are. I can come off as brash and if you don't respect me, I can make you learn to do so really fast but overall i'm a good person but when i'm high I can really see when someone is just genuinely bad.

I say all that to say, when you're a little but of a virgin smoker, you have to make certain your surroundings are peaceful and free of bad energy. Cannabis is a wonderful substance and I use it for meditative purposes and as a mood enhancer so the next time you smoke, be in the comort of your own home, put on your favorite movie, let go, and zone the fukk out. Cannabis is very potent these days and when non smokers smoke they usually start off with a hard hitting indica that's not for everyone and they smoke too much trying to keep up with real smokers in a cipher or face a whole blunt without letting the high kick in first because they are just anxious to smoke.

Take 2 or 3 tokes off of some good purp and just chill out and let the high come to you, don't chase it and I guarantee you will feel really good. If you still feel the anxiety, you are most likely the problem and you have to look within yourself and deal with your demons.

Excuse my smart dumb sh1t but i'm stoned right now and feeling grand...

This shyt is actually spot on. The times Id smoke in high school it was mainly bush weed and the shyt didnt get me high at all really. The first time I really smoked some potent shyt was my freshman year of college with my asian roomate and I did exactly what you suggested against. When I tell you how dank his shyt was he'd have the nugget in a lil medicine container, put in a zip lock back, put that in a small knapsack type of thing (kind of like that velour baggie that the "special" water from the water boy was in), wrap that around a towel, put it in his bookgbag, put the bookbag in the closet, have a towel under both the closed closet and room door and the hallway would still wreak. Anyways yeah smoked with him out a bong, with a some keef sprinkled on top of the weed and I took waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy too many hits. Literally couldnt feel shyt, and I just started unking out, cotton mouth was a bytch, I was tryna take cold showers, I really was just trippin THE fukk out...that shyt ruined my experience. As far as the anxiety, I did suffer from anxiety attacks from a heights situation, that fukked my shyt up as well (this was after though)


May 9, 2012
Bud opens your intuative abilities in a sense and if you aren't ready for it, it wigs you out and you get the paranoia and anxiety. You don't need substances do open it but most people are busy basically living their robotic lives, so you don't get a chance to have moments of clarity. I am a heavy smoker and I get it from time to time when i'm smoking with less-than-savory characters and when you get high it makes you see people for who they really are. I can come off as brash and if you don't respect me, I can make you learn to do so really fast but overall i'm a good person but when i'm high I can really see when someone is just genuinely bad.

I say all that to say, when you're a little but of a virgin smoker, you have to make certain your surroundings are peaceful and free of bad energy. Cannabis is a wonderful substance and I use it for meditative purposes and as a mood enhancer so the next time you smoke, be in the comort of your own home, put on your favorite movie, let go, and zone the fukk out. Cannabis is very potent these days and when non smokers smoke they usually start off with a hard hitting indica that's not for everyone and they smoke too much trying to keep up with real smokers in a cipher or face a whole blunt without letting the high kick in first because they are just anxious to smoke.

Take 2 or 3 tokes off of some good purp and just chill out and let the high come to you, don't chase it and I guarantee you will feel really good. If you still feel the anxiety, you are most likely the problem and you have to look within yourself and deal with your demons.

Excuse my smart dumb sh1t but i'm stoned right now and feeling grand...
Dapped but what an a$$hole lol. I was supposed to have a quarter zip tonight but my dude didnt hit back. Im just jealous. Great words and advice.

A lot ppl say they get paranoid while on weed. It's kinda like a lucid dream in the sense where if you use it in a timid setting w/ others, you're gonna feel more self-conscious. Begin your indulgment (sp, im only slightly buzzed off half a joint) in familiar and comfortable circumstances and tell me you dont want that feeling again, soon. :smoker:


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
Every true weed head knows that when youre with a homie that don't smoke, it means more weed for you :stopitslime:

And the last time i peer pressured someone that don't smoke into smoking, i had to babysit him because he thought he was going to die from a heart attack :beli:


All Star
May 29, 2013
ok lemme revise this

why do people just NOT smoke, like under no circumstances, no matter how hype shyt is, they wont smoke

why does it have to be a rule? Just go wit the flow like one of my friends, he will smoke sometimes when shyt is live, but other times he will chill. If you really think weed is unhealthy in any way you need a wake up call, its not, at all. I smoke multiple times daily and NOTHING changes in my life, i feel more relaxed on a daily basis too. The only unhealthy thing about weed i guess is that it can cause anxiety in some people, an if thats the case than thats cool, just b like i used to smoke but i just dont like it, thats better than saying "i dont smoke, dont ask why, i just dont". And that anxiety is cause when your high like @LordFendiMane said, you start seeing issues with you/the environment, plus with the intense buzz weed gives when you start feeling negative it gets pretty crazy. Its not rewiring your brain or anything.


All Star
May 29, 2013
Every true weed head knows that when youre with a homie that don't smoke, it means more weed for you :stopitslime:

And the last time i peer pressured someone that don't smoke into smoking, i had to babysit him because he thought he was going to die from a heart attack :beli:
tbh some times i dont care about having more, i want everyone to be high

when me an my homies are high as hell actin a fool, an theres just some dude acting normal like "dam yall some fools lol", that shyt is gay as hell. I dont want anyone to rationalize things for us when were high, i want everyone to b fukked up so we can make bad decisions an shyt without some nikka watching over us, thats always a lot more fun.