I'm Sorry, The Bloods & Crips Have NOTHING On The Yakuza (Yakuza Is A DANGEROUS AZZ Group)


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
The dude on the left is the crazy Yakuza dude I was talking about in my above post. The white boy next to him, I had to :whoa: him about being too thirsty over the girls that was on this snowboarding trip with us. I invited him and the Dominican dude to go with me cause I've snowboarded with them before. The white boy really had no clue how close he came to getting fukked up, they just showed love off the strength that he was with me.



May 19, 2012
African gangs go stupid hard over here. Don't write black people off so soon.

African gangs be gully as f*ck in Asia too, any Viet/Jap will tell you that Naija's get busy :yes: OP makin' one of those "let's sh*t on black people threads :camby:

Strength comes in numbers and organisation... I never head of no blood/crips making international moves. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that they have puny goals. Claiming blocks n shyt :yawn:.... Yakuza got the damn country brehs




BRITAIN is becoming a battleground for the notorious Bloods and Crips gangs that once brought fear to Los Angeles.

Around a QUARTER of mobs in London now align themselves with the two crime networks.

The massive UK market for cocaine has led to second generation members launching a new "front" here and in Spain.

A recent police census into gangs in the capital found 17 of 70 recognised crews are now Bloods or Crips.

Officers have reported a "more organised aspect" to street gang activities.

A Sun investigation found that hundreds of members are donning the gangs' red or blue colours and bragging of their allegiances on social networking sites.

Insiders said small street crews have been grouping together - copying the LA supergangs' culture and tactics and communicating with overseas counterparts.

Youth worker Twilight Bey, 40, warned yesterday: "Britain's gang problem in 2010 is where LA was in the bad days of the 1980s.

"Youths here have adopted a culture they don't fully understand and the consequences will be a generation of shattered lives."

Ex-LA gangster Twilight - who now works to curb gang violence in West London - said kids as young as SEVEN are carrying knives and swearing allegiance to UK Bloods and Crips.

He said: "For some it's not serious - they see it as games or part of their street culture and identity to adopt practices from LA.

"But the problem starts when they carry knives and get into arguments - then the violence follows and gang membership escalates."

UK crime expert Wensley Clarkson said former LA-based Bloods and Crips are now plying their trade in Europe.

He added: "Britain offers rich pickings for these gangs as there's still a huge market for cocaine."

Ex-LA Crips member Melvin Johnson, 38, said youth knife crime in the UK has "shocked" criminals in California.

He works to prevent gang crime after serving 11 years for drug offences.

Melvin said: "Britain needs help bad. Over here was terrible but your country is now famous for being Broken Britain."

Police told The Sun Bloods and Crips rivalry in London intensified after the stabbing of Seyi Ogunyemi, 16, in Stockwell last April.

He was caught up in tensions between the Bloods-supporting O-Tray gang and the Crips' All Bout Money.

Some gangs like the South London-based Cherry Young Bloods have posted videos of themselves in red scarves on the web.

More than 1,000 gangs were known to be operating in Britain last year.

The Crips were founded in 1969 and made huge profits from crack cocaine.

Their name referred to their "crippled" victims.

The Bloods were a splinter group who inflicted horrific violence.

Murdered rap legends Biggie Smalls (The Notorious B.I.G) and Tupac (2Pac) Shakur were allegedly linked with the Crips.



The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
The dude on the left is the crazy Yakuza dude I was talking about in my above post. The white boy next to him, I had to :whoa: him about being too thirsty over the girls that was on this snowboarding trip with us. I invited him and the Dominican dude to go with me cause I've snowboarded with them before. The white boy really had no clue how close he came to getting fukked up, they just showed love off the strength that he was with me.



May 19, 2012

The body was found on August 11, buried in a shallow grave on a beach in remote Ambergris Caye, an island off mainland Belize near the border with Mexico. The 57-year-old man's throat had been slit and his body had multiple stab wounds. Police said he also bore signs of torture.

The victim, identified as Santiago Trapp, reportedly lived in a wooden shack that was burned down during his murder. This building was once known as a fishermen's camp but, according to police, it had recently become a base for playadores, or beachcombers.

Yet these beachcombers don't hunt for shells or buried treasure, but rather for parcels of drugs dropped into the ocean by traffickers. This makes Trapp another likely casualty in an ongoing narco turf war that is plaguing San Pedro, the island's only town. Meanwhile, Ambergris Caye was ranked Tripadvisor's number one island in the world for the second year in a row in February.


May 19, 2012


DELINQUENCY A report Background alert on the evolution of a criminal band inspired by black American gangs.

THE "BLACK GUERRILLA ARMY," a new band of the southern suburbs, worried the police. A report by the Central Directorate of General Intelligence on 21 March, which Le Figaro had access, calls "band polymorphic delinquency". And a summit meeting, chaired by the Director General of the national police, Michel Gaudin, was held just before the Easter holidays to stem the rise of this iconic gang drift cities.

Composed of young people of African origin of Grigny neighborhood 2 (Essonne), the "Black Guerilla Army," known by its acronym BGA, is headed by a family of five boys around them with twenty teenagers and some young adults. The black American gangs serve as a model. The group boasts of his exploits a narcissistic blog that lend to smile if the facts were not proven.

Conventional urban crime activities, BGA gradually poured into the car theft with violence. "Since December 1, notes the report, the local police lists more than thirty stolen vehicles on the only town of Grigny." And to quote ten "car-jackings" over the same period in the neighboring towns of Ris -Orangis or Viry-Chatillon.

"While it is difficult to attribute to this single band all these misdeeds, qualify the police, the involvement of some of its members has been established judicially in five cases." One of them, Driox, reportedly confessed to having acted on behalf of Travellers (gypsies them it's botchs !!!) which control model cars to steal.

The record speaks for itself. On 12 August 2004, they hang over thirty meters with a stolen car agent who wanted to control them. On 22 June 2005, the BGA trigger a "battle" between youth and police in Grigny. During the search conducted in response to the home of one of the brothers, the police discovered an assault rifle with magazine and ammunition and a sniper rifle. (It's still the law of LA kalashs :smile:)

According to RG, gang members sow insecurity in Grigny 2. Minors mostly stays they make in prison when they are sentenced there are never long. Their criminal ascension would draw its source, says the police, "in the strong sense of impunity" they feel. "The actions of BGA, the report also concern the nearby town of Ris that awards young Grigny February 1 much of the robberies." The BGA dream of equaling the gangs of Los Angeles, "the True to the west, "they write on their blog.

I've never heard of Yakuza inspired sets outside of Japan :mjpls:


May 19, 2012


History Of The Bloods In The Philippines (GANG AWARENESS)

In 2000, 3 members from 3 different Blood sets, came to Manila, Philippines around the same time.The first to come was a very experienced older Blood gangmember from Los Angeles, California.The second to come was a young Blood gangmember from Carson, California.He got in trouble so many times, that his parents decided to send him to the Philippines so he can finish High School.The third was a young Blood gangmember from Jersey City, New Jersey.He was wanted as a fugitive for numerous crimes, so he went to the Philippines.These 3 did not know each other, they came from different places, and different Blood sets.
When they came to the Philippines, members of rival gangs from different Crip sets were already in Manila, along with other U.S. gangmembers who weren't members of the Bloods and the Crips.The Crips and the other U.S. gangs have been in Manila for 5 years or more, when the Bloods arrived.
The 3 Blood gangmembers who did not know each other, were destined to meet on one faithful night.That night, they all went to the same club.Dressed in renegade Blood attire, they entered the club.They did not know that other Filipino-American gangmembers from different Crip sets and other U.S. gangs were already in the club.The 3 Bloods entered one by one, as they settled in the club, they were instantly recognized by the Crips.Members of the different Crip sets joined forces and immediately attacked the 3 Blood gangmembers.The young Blood gangmember from Carson, California was injured.The older Blood gangmember from Los Angeles, California fought off his attackers, while the young Blood gangmember from Jersey City, New Jersey was armed, and he pulled out his handgun and opened fire at the Crips.
After the incident, the 3 Blood gangmembers helped each other and they left the club together.They took the young Blood gangmember from Carson, California to the hospital.About a week later, they all met up and decided to create a Blood set in the Philippines.At the meeting, the young Blood gangmember from Jersey City, New Jersey had a disagreement with the other 2, so he left on his own.The 2 Blood gangmembers from California stuck together and created the first set in the Philippines.The older one recruited his male relatives and their friends, while the young one initiated his High School classmates.They are credited as the founders of the set in Manila.The younger one eventually returned to California after he finished High School, while it is not known what happened to the older one.Their set survived, and it became so big, it eventually split into several sets.
The third one, since he was a fugitive, he wandered all over Luzon until he settled in Bagiuo.He created a set in Bagiuo.He eventually went to Guam, where he was arrested and sent back to New Jersey.His set survived.
In 2001, 3 brothers from Norfolk, Virginia got into so much trouble in school, that their parents decided to send them to Pampanga so they could finish school.These 3 brothers created a set in Pampanga.They recruited their relatives and their classmates.The 3 brothers eventually returned home when they finished school.Their set in Pampanga is now a very big gang.
In 2002, 7 members of a Blood set from Los Angeles, California came to Olongapo, Philippines to learn how to cook the drug crystal meth (shabu) so they can go back to Los Angeles with the knowledge of how to make the drug.They created a set.They initiated their relatives, as well as drug dealers and other criminals.The 7 Bloods eventually returned home.Their set survived and still operate in Pampanga.
In 2002, a Blood gangmember from New York, New York was deported back to the Philippines.He went back to Cebu where he created a set.He was known to recruit members as young as 7 years old.His set is the largest in the Philippines, which are composed of mostly poor young street kids.This Blood set is the most violent in the Philippines.
In 2003, a Blood gangmember from Phoenix, Arizona was deported back to the Philippines.He went home to Davao.He created a set, which was a small set.He is also credited with founding a set in General Santos.
In 2003, a Blood gangmember from Columbus, Ohio was wanted for a crime, in which he fled to the Philippines.He went back home to Cagayan De Oro.He is credited with founding 2 sets, one in Cagayan de Oro and one in Dumaguete.
Also in 2003, a Blood gangmember from Los Angeles, California was deported back to the Philippines.He went home to Negros where he created a set.It is said that he was killed, he created a Blood set before he was killed.His set survived to this day.His set is a violent set, they are known to challenge the police.
In 2004, the highest ranking Blood gangmember came to the Philippines on his own free will, after running away from his girlfriend, whom he did not want to marry.He was a older Blood gang leader from Jersey City, New Jersey.He never created his own set in the Philippines.He wanted to get away from the gang lifestyle.He has since found God, and has embraced Christianity !
I wrote this as a gang awareness guide.Many U.S. gangs came to the Philippines and are spreading like some major desease, and they continue to come even to this day.Filipino parents from the U.S. who wanted to punish their kids, by sending them to finish school in the Philippines was a good idea when it was first thought off, considering the parents thought that it was good way to separate them from their gangs.Too bad it back fired, as these kids decided to create their own sets.As these kids eventually went back home to the U.S., the sets they created became localized, but the rules and culture still remains the same.These gangs are very violent, and are often funded by profits from the drug trade.
After 9/11, the U.S. started to deport Filipinos who are non-U.S. citizens back to the Philippines, if they committed a serious crime.Many of the men who were deported were gangmembers.These gangmembers are even more violent than the young kids who were sent to go to school in the Philippines.They are usually older hardcore criminals.


Well, these U.S. gangs are more violent in nature when compared to local Filipino gangs and fraternities.They are well funded and heavily armed.They have challenged the traditional Filipino syndicates for control of the drug trade in the U.S. and the Philippines.
Since they have spread like a virus, there will be more and more of them in the near future.They will eventually affect the country, since these gangmembers are very violent, heavily armed, and notorious drug traffickers.You wouldn't want your kids getting involved with these guys.
The Filipino authorities seem to be very ignorant of these guys.These gangmembers have been identified in many Filipino cities.You can go in friendster and identify thousands of members, both boys and girls, as young as 10 years old.
The culture that these gangs are spreading is a hardcore Hip Hop rebel culture that revolves around sex, money, and murder.Parents seem to be more worried about their kids becoming Emo Punks, when in fact, these gangs are more numerous in number and are more dangerous.Gangmembers are also harder to identify, since most Filipinos are ignorant of their existense and culture.
These gangs are high maintainance, they have to be well funded to function, and their only source of fast income is to sell drugs.With huge profits, they can afford high powered machine guns, which they will use against the other gangs.
I estimate that in 10-20 years, when most of these young gangmembers will be older, they will be experienced veterans, and hardcore criminals by then.And responsible for many violence and creating other gangmembers, as well as spreading addiction from the drugs they sell.


You ni66as don't exist we eat filet mignon
May 29, 2012
The 2 dudes on the left of me are yaks, and have their own crews. The dude directly next to me in the white t-shirt is a crazy ass nikka too, his name is Tomo. We were in an izakaya (I'll link a picture of an izakaya later, but its basically a place to drink LOTS of alcohol and order appetizer type food) smoking some herb, out in the middle of the restaurant, not giving a fukk. One of Tomo's minions dropped the weed pipe when he was trying to smoke out of it, and Tomo, with no hesitation, smacked dude in the face twice, followed with a solid punch, dead in the dude's grill. The dude quickly apologized to Tomo, I gave Tomo the :francis: look, and we kept smoking like nothing happened. :mjlol:



Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
The dude on the left is the crazy Yakuza dude I was talking about in my above post. The white boy next to him, I had to :whoa: him about being too thirsty over the girls that was on this snowboarding trip with us. I invited him and the Dominican dude to go with me cause I've snowboarded with them before. The white boy really had no clue how close he came to getting fukked up, they just showed love off the strength that he was with me.

and who are you exactly?


May 19, 2012
Yall love dikkriding these fukk ass gangs
First it was the Hell's Angels..now these sword wielding japs

70s, 80s, and 90s Harlem, Brooklyn, and Philly had the mob shook, where was all this Yakuza talk then? :mjlol: