Let me tell you nerds something. 9 times out of ten, you won't have to ask, she'll tell you if it's a low number
Let me tell you nerds something. 9 times out of ten, you won't have to ask, she'll tell you if it's a low number
Would you date/be with a woman who was waiting until marriage to have sex then?
Aight man........AightLet me tell you nerds something. 9 times out of ten, you won't have to ask, she'll tell you if it's a low number
this is the way i think...
say you meet 2 chicks both 30...
chick 1 has only had 2 partners...both LTR...5 yrs a piece.
chick 2 has never had a steady BF...and has 65 bodies on her.
who's had the most sex?
most likely #1....she was getting piped down 3-4 times a week for years....
so you have to ask yourself...is it how much penis shes had or the number of different penis' shes had that bothers you...
for me its both....i dont wanna know too much....all i wanna know is what her character like....is she disease free... and if i can trust that her number of different penis' stops rising with me
i was almost 40 when i got married and with the times we live in...i dont need all that shyt going on in my head![]()
i dapped your OG thread when u got married
my point is
if u love her
u happy with her
and comfortable then u straight
but i know that regardless of gender people lie like a mafukka
ya own parents will lie to u
so as to not hurt your feelings
so i would never really believe shyt a broad say about her numbers
i know i would lie if she ask me so![]()
Why would you marry someone you believe is lying?Aight man........Aight![]()
What if she says 32. You good?Aight man........Aight![]()
No woman is going to give you her exact number manWhy would you marry someone you believe is lying?
This. All these dudes saying they want a virgin but don't want to get married. Not realizing that a lot of virgins are waiting for marriage.
Then they say they're not against "long term relationships" I'm not losing my virginity to a dude that's just my bf.wtf stay a virgin till I'm 22 then lose my virginity to a dude that doesn't want to marry me. LMFAO not gonna happen.
My mom actually lost her virginity to my dadI want yall to ask ya moms who was married how many men she "dated" before she met dad, and what made HIM the one.
My mom was a certified squareI want yall to ask ya moms who was married how many men she "dated" before she met dad, and what made HIM the one.
And if she likes you...she lies as to not be judged.Let me tell you nerds something. 9 times out of ten, you won't have to ask, she'll tell you if it's a low number
when i first started chasing my wife and trying to get that 1st date, it never occurred to me that she might be a virgin. i really didnt think it was possible nor did i care. her character was what attracted me to her. she could have told me she been with a few dudes and i would not have thought any less of her because of how she is.
Old school traditions ftw.My mom actually lost her virginity to my dad, they weren't married at the time but still the first one was the guy she married.