Hacksaw Jim Thuggin
most cant live up to this "5 body count max" shyt these brehs are talking about.... not living in this culture and society you cant. Maybe in other parts of the world, but not here. America is so sexually charged and encourages promiscuity of both genders (even with the double standard) that high schoolers are racking up bodies before they even graduate. So this "if she's a ho, if she has more than 5 people, etc" shyt isn't realistic for women or men. Cus my thing is, as a man, there is free porn in abundance everywhere and females handing out vagina like skittles... most aren't strong enough to stop at 5 bodies and wait for marriage themselves. This whole thread is ridiculous.

i will say that everybody has a right to their preferences not matter how hypocritical or unrealistic they may be.