OK, you assert that the entire political system is messed up, nothing will change, everything is bad.Here's the bad news. This country and how it's set up will not allow change.
The political structure
The laws
The media
The education system
All currently constructed to ensure no change. Consumerism, The American Dream, all set up to keep the system in tact.
Change wont come in our life times. A global pandemic wasn't able to change it. Most people are either indoctrinated to maintain or accept things for what they are or are too ADD to follow through on anything.
Trump will lose, but in another 4 to 8 years, another Republican wave will take place the the cycle will repeat itself.
The destruction that Bush caused didn't change anything. We're right back where we were. Until politicians stop caring about getting re-elected, nothing will change.
Why are you here? Why even make this thread? Why not just disconnect yourself from politics completely?