This thread for some reason reminded me of this photo, a Biden
sort of smiley we need
Only God knows. Hopefully he does. He atleast exercises unlike Big Mac and Coke orange man.
When you're Obama's VP, you have latent advantages out the gate. He was regularly polling at 30% the whole primary, Bernie was stuck at 20%, and the rest in the teens or single digits aside from Liz Warren's surge and Bernie's dip last summer..
The Dem primary was fought with kid gloves. The candidates did not go at Joe at all. Kamala went at him on the debate stage. As did Booker. As did Castro. And it didn't help them to even get to Iowa.
Buttigieg was running oppo on Warren, she hit back. But they weren't punching up at Biden.
Bernie was the only candidate who had a pulse with black voters out of all the candidates not named Biden. And Bernie's campaign was run by a bunch of amateurs who have never been part of a winning presidential campaign, a bunch of children compared to the team Biden has. Bernie's campaign wasn't even running oppo or negative ads with all of their money and with Biden's history
But its also cause Bernie likes Biden as a friend and one of the only people in the Senate in 2007 that took the time to kick it with him.
And Democratic Primary voters are largely OLDER, BOOMERS... and they LOVE THEIR LEADERS. THEY LOVE THEIR ESTABLISHED POLITICAL FIGURES. In the Trump era, Dem primary voters love the mainstream media even more!
Dem primary voters do not like big change. We've seen it over and over. COVID-19 has changed a lot obviously. But in normal times, Dem primary voters normally go with the safe, established person
who they believe can win.