thats when the country has done the best in my lifetime clintons second term and obamas second termTrump has to go... give me a rethug congress with Biden in the White house.
thats when the country has done the best in my lifetime clintons second term and obamas second termTrump has to go... give me a rethug congress with Biden in the White house.
What’s bad about Biden?So I cant not like Joe Biden.
And I'm not the only one.
So becasue I dont think he should be president I'm wrong for that?
When I'm not the only one.
Most democrats are p*ssy and dont stand for shyt. New Jersey democrats have control of both houses and the governorship but still haven't legalized weed, even though the governor vowed to do it the first 100 days in office.
I mean I can lists pages of examples but I'm a keep it brief. AOC was vilified for keeping Amazon out of Queens, until she was proven right. Now Amazon is being demonized.
It's cool to say "I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump" but not cool to say Both Trump and Biden are terrible and I refuse to vote for either. To say state elections are more important are wrong even though they effect things like how districts are drawn and a little thing called gerrymandering.
You all prop up the presidency like it's a monarch but its not.
It's funny because republicans dont even give a shyt about the house anymore. They control the senate and the Whitehouse. Taking away either would be a blow to their power and the senate effects more people than the presideny. Trump is a prop who does the bidding of senators. The fact that you cant see that is incredible.
What’s bad about Biden?
thats when the country has done the best in my lifetime clintons second term and obamas second term
seems like the natural cycle of things they trade the white house roughly every 8 yearsAnd both of their second terms led to Bush Jr. and Donald fukking Trump which wiped away any accomplishments they made.
fukk all that. Stop these takes! No more judges.... no more justices..... no more using bill Barr as his personal attorney..... no more taking advantage of minorities because of Stephen miller’s fetishes.... no more rollin back regulations that’ll help corporations destroy this country.
He does have a platformBiden is a mouth piece. A prop. Obama picked him to get old white votes. That's it.
He has no platform. Hes too old. He can't formulate coherent sentences consistently. He doesn't have any progressive ideas. Hes pragmatic. He represents a status quo establishment that does just enough to get people to vote for them.
He doesnt represent anything remotely close to change.
People say they want change, but keep voting for the same candidates. Some of the same people who have been out protesting, probably voted for him which is the exact opposite of what they were protesting in the first place.
He does have a platform
We have to start picking better politicians instead of ones that’ll be easily influenced by lobbyists. Get a both dem senate and house, push initiatives that’ll make it easier to vote and take money out of politics and then we’ll go on from there.Even when Dems had total control they didnt even try to take money out of politics. As long as money is in play, corporations will always come first no matter who on the center left or far right is in charge.
Politicians who have been in office multiple terms only care about getting re-elected. They live to serve another term.
We say this all the time, but then voters cave to whatever the polls say, and we end up voters voting scared. People are mad at OP but we do need better politicians.We have to start picking better politians instead of ones that’ll be easily influenced by lobbyists. Get a both dem senate and house, push initiatives that’ll make it easier to vote and take money out of politics and then we’ll go on from there.
Why are you repeating Republican talking points?Biden is a mouth piece. A prop. Obama picked him to get old white votes. That's it.
He has no platform. Hes too old. He can't formulate coherent sentences consistently. He doesn't have any progressive ideas. Hes pragmatic. He represents a status quo establishment that does just enough to get people to vote for them.
He doesnt represent anything remotely close to change.
People say they want change, but keep voting for the same candidates. Some of the same people who have been out protesting, probably voted for him which is the exact opposite of what they were protesting in the first place.
A guy who averages hundreds of words a post got nothing to say?