I'm Not Attracted To White Women, Is Something Wrong With Me?


Dec 30, 2013
Why do white bytches be having them bent ass, boney ass noses? WTF is that shyt about? Dont nobody find that shyt weird? And how come nobody ever publicly talks about the fact that cacs got pig skin? Why are cacs views as being the most godly looking beings in the universe when they look like human pigs with rat faces? How the fukk did this shyt happen? When? Why? How?

Then there's the fact they smell like wet dog AND they got lice? :what: Where did these cave beasts get all this mothafukkin confidence from?

They're fukking mutants bro. All the stories I've read about natives first seeing whites say it was the most horrific thing they had ever seen.

And I completely understand. If you had never seen a white person and some cac motherfukker stepped off a boat you'd think it was an alien invasion.

Which it is. One day you're just chilling on a beach happy as fukk loving life. Next day you got these mutant ass motherfukkers come with swords and infectious diseases killing everything in their path. How can that be anything but an alien invasion? There's nothing human about them or what they've done. White people are H.G. Wells' War of the Wolds.

The only reason cacs are viewed as godly beings is because they hijacked christianity and put their own image in place of that of god. They made the angels white, god white, jesus white, and even the virgin mary white.

If they don't smell like dog then they smell like mold and milk. Have you ever gotten head from a cac? I made the mistake of touching a cave bytches head while she was sucking me off and I swear to god I could feel her skull through her thin stringy hair.

wtf bro... :scust:

White people know full well they look like pigs. They kill themselves by the millions trying to tan away their nasty splotchy skin. That's also why they're obsessed with eye makeup. White girls look like beady eyed little pigs without eyeliner.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I don't have to, look at your world view in this thread ..."they cater to the urban crowd, thus white men don't want them"

sounds like c00n optimist talk to me, especially if you're assuming that black men find the women in that quoted post attractive to begin with:mjpls:

then you said "let's not kid ourselves here" :whoo:, that means you walk around ACTUALLY believing the bullshyt coming out of your own mouth and we're wrong for thinking otherwise. Hence the thread title, "is something wrong with me"?

You love them hoes not me...and them women posted ARE IN FACT HOES, breh.:sas2:
on the contrary youre putting your own race down by assuming we are 3rd options to these hoes. when that is not the case, we are first. then you made it seem like they are left overs and THATS why they want black men, as if black men are last on the plate, when no, its the other way around. you're putting your own race down then trying to make it seem like I said black men want them...where did I write that? then you lied and said I was putting whites on a pedestal throughout the day, I ask for a quote and you cant provide not a single one. the one you did post was me bigging up my own gender and race. whoops.

where is YOUR mind at. and I am not known to love pawgs, sorry, wrong poster homie, in fact, just a glance at my fukking avatar would tell you that, but you're so lost in your own words you have no idea wtf you're talking about. :mjlol:
Mar 9, 2015
youve got that backward. actually, they cater to the urban crowd and thus white men dont want them. their first choice is black and so it turns white men off. 'bedwenching' what have you not.

white men fukk walmart walking fat bytches from kentucky named bethy sue, these bytches can get white men, lets not kid ourselves here.

Nah bruh...let him keep putting white men on some unreachable pedestal :mjlol:

Half the loser virgin white men on Reddit aint had p*ssy since 2006 but, according to "militants" on The Coli they in the position to turn down any p*ssy whatsoever. Yea. Okay :stopitslime: They starving. Most white boys would push their grandmother down the stairs to get at Margot Robie even if she just got through getting trained by Chris Brown, Drake and Trey Songs. They would live with that Ether, tongue kiss her and all....as long as their white buddies didn't know:francis: All them faggits are weirdos. They have an inferiority but, superiority complex. In public, it's "white men don't want white women black men touched" but, behind closed doors its interracial and cuckold porn.....because its a million of those sites and black people FOR DAMN SURE ain't buying that shyt :mjlol:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Again. So many nikkaz in this thread are full of shyt. I have never met a nikka in real life that turned down some p*ssy from a bad add white bytch. It simply doesn't happen in real life :pachaha: A bunch of fake hotep nikkaz frontin like a MF :dead:








Like nikkaz are gonna say "nah girl, I ain't gonna hit that because you're white" :mjlol:

who said anything about that?

I said I find races of all women attractive, I'd even date any race, but doesn't mean i'ma walk down teh aisle get serious with and build with


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
:trash:Honestly there's too many better looking sistas out here for all that, I mean I'm not gonna call these women ugly, but for real for real, they're not my type, and these are the type even the white man doesn't want, so she tries to appeal to the urban demographic. That's actually more insulting to me than an a-typical white woman thinking I want her.

These types of women you posted actually see you as a 2nd or 3rd option. Not even a first choice. :mjlol:

ive never been with a ugly or average looking white woman

the old misc. st0rmfr0nt all the can get is the undesriables
Mar 9, 2015
I gotta second the "no life experience/sheltered" points. Alot of white women think that because they read Emily Bronte books, studied abroad and went to some liberal arts college that they're cultured but, when it comes to anything outside of the tiny bubble in which they exist, its a complete blank. I remember this chick I was kinda feeling, somehow we got on the subject of Brown v. Board and I mentioned Thurgood Marshall. She looked at me dead in the face and said "who is that?".....shyt was cray. How do you NOT know who Thurgood Marshall is? One of the most landmark cases in American History but, no you can tell me about some stupid Jane Austen novel.
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All Star
Oct 31, 2014
Again. So many nikkaz in this thread are full of shyt. I have never met a nikka in real life that turned down some p*ssy from a bad add white bytch. It simply doesn't happen in real life :pachaha: A bunch of fake hotep nikkaz frontin like a MF :dead:








Like nikkaz are gonna say "nah girl, I ain't gonna hit that because you're white" :mjlol:

Yea, because that's what the average white women look like. These girls pictures are literally the 1%. Internet truly has people's perception skewed
Sep 14, 2013
Having spent a lot of time around white girls as a younger man I found them as a whole to be disconcertingly vapid and soulless. Even the educated ones had this empty stupidity to them. They had no real curiosity or thirst for knowledge and seemed to only partake in learning for material and social benefits it would give them.

White women are the most coddled and protected group of people on earth. They have no real conception of struggle or hardship. Their biggest tragedies in life are, in order;
  1. finding out brad kissed another girl at the school dance
  2. having to put rex down because he got too old
  3. not getting invited to that bytch allisons senior graduation party
Nothing ever happens to white women. The social insulation that keeps them from being affected by the outside world has the added effect of making their lives pretty meaningless. They're like goldfish in a bowl. Their coddled lifestyle breeds a life-long restlessness and ennui. Some fukk black guys for a rush. Some do cocaine or heroine. Your average meth user nowadays is a white housewife.

Much like sociopaths, white women are chronically bored. Thus their love for travel.They think going to India or Rome will give their dull lives a bit of color. The more daring ones got to Africa or the Caribbean, but it's all the same. And it all has the same effect of not making a single dent in their soulless existence.

Have you peeked inside a white womans head? Designer shoes, starbucks pumpkin spice, white wine, marble countertops, yoga pants, iPhones and Netflix. The scariest thing that happens to the average white woman is being stuck in an elevator with a black man for more than 2 seconds. White women drive like a$$holes.

Once they get to a certain age almost all white women use antidepressants and SSRIs. They can tell they're unhappy and they can tell something's missing but they don't know what. This is usually the age they get divorced. Some fukk their students. Some fukk their pool boy. A few even become feminists.:huhldup: Almost all join dating sites. But nothing fills that hole.

At this age they've all gotten too old to care about what happens to them. The truth is white women age fast and hard. From the second they hit their teens they're in a rush against time to try and fit as much life and experience as they can in the years between 18 and 29. They know the years are short. You can often hear them yelling "woooo!!!" at any inane event where they are gathered in number. Nothing scares a white woman more that the fear of missing out. If you listen closely you can hear the fear in their voice.

White women feel compelled to pretend they are having the best time of their lives no matter what they are doing. What choice do they have? They look at their mothers face and instead of seeing a beautiful mature version of themselves they see a wrinkled witch covered with racc00n eye makeup in what looks like the beginning stages of decomposition. :sadcam:

A white womans only worth is her beauty. And yet it is the first to go. Flip to any basic TV channel and you will likely see and advert for age defying mosturizers or creams or hair dye or makeup, etc. Father time takes cruel pleasure in crashing through their thin papery skin. A recent survey showed that the majority of white women will not step outside without their covering of makeup. Even to get the mail. They looks like pale shapeless pigs without their yoga pants. Very few white women look good outside of clothes. Even the skinny ones are suprisingly dumpy.
Holy shyt breh:whoo: had to log back in for this........

thats like 90% of american white females.:ld:


Say No To NASA!
Apr 2, 2014
Look at that thing. Look at its skin. Like a human naked mole rat.

A lot of white people look like something you would find under a bridge or a rock. They evolved to live in caves. You can tell by the oversized bat ears and batlike face.

Vampiric lore is really just an anology for whites. They burn in the sun and suck the life from anybody they come in contact with.

Feb 3, 2015
Iam on the extremes in terms of white women, I love the really white blonde blue eyed nordic type white women in places like sweden, norway and parts of germany.They must have big {but too big), breasts and a plump bottom. These women maybe really white, but they have a healthy glow to them.

but I don't find the darker pale white women who descend from picts rather than anglo saxons , that you find in ireland and northern england,wales , for instance . attractive in the slightest. I much prefer black women generally, apart from the real aryan looking white girls .Apart from the aryans ,I don't get the obsession with white beauty, white women age like milk and they put weight on,on all the wrong places. An average looking black woman,looks far superior to an average looking white woman.

And I don't see the attractiveness of asian women at all. Latinas, I take them as I find them.

Aryans are from India, Persia and Iran. Not Europe.