"Helping the black community" is not the right wording. He needed to do what was right, and I'm not talking about more handouts. All of these points may not all be legitimate to you (and mainly concern black males....all the black feminists go make another #blackpowerisforblackmen hashtag

), but it's almost 2AM and I've been trying Healthcare.gov for over a week to get them to submit this application because their system is garbage and I'm mad, so I'm about to go ham

At the Fair Sentencing Act. I don't care about people who get locked up for hard drugs. What I am concerned about is the average black male who is targeted at a much higher rate than any other race. We get pulled over for little/no reason, have our rights violated more often, stack up jailtime and/or a criminal record over garbage like speeding/expired registration/planted & fabricated evidence. Obama does not want to address the real issues like this concerning our race more than any other.

At Obama not pushing to LEGALIZE marijuana completely like he does for Gay Marriage and illegals. I personally do not smoke marijuana and never will, but I do know it is a trap set up against us. He has no problem with his white brothers in Colorado and Washington State selling the Mary Jane though and making a killing, while blacks get double-digit sentences for doing the same thing.

At Obama always talking about the economy but ignoring how blacks work for lower wages, are last hired/first fired, and our unemployment rate is double/triple that whites.

At not acknowledging obviously disproportionate hiring behavior. A black man with no criminal record has the same chance of hire as a white felon.

At ignoring Troy Davis and similar people up until their death. Also for waiting until our young brothers like Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin are dead to speak up and then just forget about it days later.

For this weak "My Brothers Keeper" initiative. These funds will be used poorly and will make a minimal impact at best if even that. As a so-called black man Obama has the opportunity to address SPECIFIC problems exclusive to our community and create a SPECIFIC plan to solve them. No money involved. None of this "pull up your pants and turn off the TV" trash. These kids are not starting off on the right foot and their parents are not doing any better. Instead of telling all blacks to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop blaming the white man, why doesn't he call out the people who are truly detrimental to our community instead?
Obama keeps dodging the senseless violence among blacks that is going on in his city of Chicago and similar areas like Newark NJ. He has no problem acting visibly sad for the Sandy Hook or Aurora Colorado tragedies though. People say he shouldn't talk about these black-specific issues because "we don't want anyone airing out their dirty laundry". Our dirty laundry has been sitting out on the driveway - everyone sees it and smells the stink just passing by. Why don't we clean it up instead of acting like it isn't there.

At his Trayvon Martin speech. Basically he said he understands how hard the black man has it out here but he is not going to do anything about it because he is a scared black man.
None of these solutions matter because Obama is way too far into his terms to actually push any of this through. Not that he had the backbone to do it anyway. Hopefully blacks will stop voting completely after 2016 and send a message to the politicians since its going to be open season on blacks, and we will no longer have our fake-messiah to make us feel comfortable.