Free college?
yep... most states waive tuition and if you want to go to college and are Native American then the government got a big ass grant program that pays for it.
Free college?
Also some highlights
Hope that helped![]()
Interestingyep... most states waive tuition and if you want to go to college and are Native American then the government got a big ass grant program that pays for it.
yes, anyone can go to college, but I'm suggesting a program that provides guaranteed free college for Black people. what part doesn't make sense?
Whats this got to do with Obama?If you had reading comp skills you would be able to read between the lines and take a simple message into a more complex thought.
Let's break it down for you:
There is more being done to combat young Blacks through entertainment...
Stop. What does this mean. It means when a young kid sees Blacks on TV, they will get a heavy dose of NEGATIVITY and WORST BEHAVIOR. This is being done on purpose as Whites have marked Blacks as the BAD or problem child by race alone and nothing else. So it builds putative negativity.
is this about poverty or being black?American society...
Terrible schools systems where the funding is skewed negatively. It's basically the 1940's and 50's for young Blacks without the dipciline and the parenting which is means for mass failure for most of the students.
You can't just make a network out of thin air. Gotta literally "pull those bootstraps"and options...
This is the case for most Blacks including yourself but keep separating you from reality. As much as I think Potiter can be a BAN and I disagree with his methods of conflict, the one thing he does great at is showing you that everything is more of a probability and the skills needed to success is more personal based than just education skills. I don't care what no one says, you just don't have many skills out of college unless you are in IT and you code or hack. Generally speaking, most engineers are raw out of college. For all of us who have succeeded, it takes luck, desire, work ethic, and good interpersonal skills unless you are a coder or hacker to succeed. For Blacks, what many lack is a network. A true network, someone you can call and they can get things done. That's easier said then done for many AA graduating college. This goes back to the article I posted based out of Bermuda a couple of months ago.
like it could be apart of a reparations do you feel about this?
how discriminatory is that? first black president and grant all blacks free college...c'mon man...beside if you do good in school in the first place there are scholarships and financial aid..stop asking for handouts
This is so retarded of a post. I know plenty of Black Business owners with great credit trying to get small business loans. The banks want too damn much. The banks are a big problem. You act like they treat everyone equal. They don't.1. I like the small business loan idea...but the washingtonpost reported on this a few weeks ago. Blacks weren't going after the loans set out for minorities. They let hispanics dry that money up
2. infrastructure investment employment helps everyone, not just minorities
3. Don't states make a big deal out of keeping the federal government OUT of education?
1. I like the small business loan idea...but the washingtonpost reported on this a few weeks ago. Blacks weren't going after the loans set out for minorities. They let hispanics dry that money up
Still doesn't change the fact that blacks suffered the most and he didn't account about the impact it would have on our community/. infrastructure investment employment helps everyone, not just minorities
the Obama administration has fought efforts to expand minority students' access to school choice. Not much need to be said here.. Don't states make a big deal out of keeping the federal government OUT of education?
like it could be apart of a reparations package...
how do native americans keep having pull though? is it the casinos or small numbers? Cause blacks are merely 12-13% of the population but native americans are clearly less than that.
I'm not asking for anything. and who would it be discriminatory against, white people?
What does it not have to do with Obama is a better question? Look at what he has done for Gays. That speaks volumes. Sanctions on those who don't get in line with his thoughts. Why doesn't he make the white community pay? He wouldn't dare bring it up.Whats this got to do with Obama?
is this about poverty or being black?
You can't just make a network out of thin air. Gotta literally "pull those bootstraps"
No one said this was easy.
Now again, where does Obama come into this?
every other race but are single out blacks only for free schooling..this doesn't seem crazy to you...they are already crying from affirmative action and now you are saying..yes free college tuition for black people while every other race has to pay for does this make sense? why does this make sense?
So are you pretending that there ISNT legislation against this? If you've got a case, take it to trial.This is so retarded of a post. I know plenty of Black Business owners with great credit trying to get small business loans. The banks want too damn much. The banks are a big problem. You act like they treat everyone equal. They don't..
And this has WHAT to do with Obama?Like I said, options are a critical issue with Blacks. There aren't many options. There is a reason you see us start businesses with five or six guys and whites can do it with one or two and an angel investor. Once again, you are really out of touch like a white kid. Not even a white man or woman, they know the deal