Don’t be afraid to fail and learn from your mistakes. The game is difficult and very punishing, but it's still "fair" if that makes sense. Once you understand how to approach certain encounters and make the most of your weapon/Ashes of War, it's a lot less intimidating. You still have to be on point at all times, but you won't be shook to turn every corner in a cave
Eventually you can abuse the game the same way it abuses you
If you're stuck on a boss just explore other areas until you get your weight up, then come back
You likely encountered the boss before you were ready and were underleveled. explore the southern part of limgrave first then go back. I probably had at least 8-10 hours played before I attempted to fight Margit. Margit is a good skill check because he'll force you learn attack patterns, how to dodge projectiles, no spam roll, etc. He'll seem impossible if your fundamentals aren't solid but once you understand how to play the game, he's really not too bad at'll face much much worse along your journey