Really? Eternals was an epic? Sure the movie was long as hell but I wouldn't call anything about it epic.
Epic - Noun
1: a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero
2: a work of art (such as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic
3: a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an epict
Epic - Adjective
1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an epican epic poem
2: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope
Eternals Is a Superhero Primer on Gnosticism
Black Widow and Eternals may both have the Marvel logo but they are not the same genre of film just because the source material comes from comics.Underneath all the action and fantastic acting, Black Panther was at heart a conversation between T’Chaka, T’Challa, Nakia, and Eric Killmonger. The intent was to send us out the door debating. If you want to, you can read Netflix’s Daredevil as a conversation about morality and religious faith. The Iron Man trilogy is maybe, somewhat, a conversation about the military industrial complex. Eternals is basically “Let’s Attack and Dethrone God: The Movie,” with a lot of fraught debate about whether that’s the correct thing to do, who gets to decide (deicide?), what the consequences will be, whether humanity is worth those consequences, etc. etc.