start arguments with your fiancé over small stuff.
sip coffee with your coworker.
fukk your coworker.
make a new thread about how your coworker doesn't talk to you anymore after he fukks you.
make another thread about the guilt you feel when you look in your fiance's eyes.
start smoking Black n Milds.
So there is this guy, we work in an office setting together, we flirt.....hell we flirt alot sometimes with a sexual innuendo, he's fine as fucck,muscular build..younger than me & he turns me on just by the way he looks at me
. I try to avoid him cause temptation is a bytch.....
. I think he's single but i am not sure.. He asked me to sit and have coffee with him on this saturday morning and i said yes.... But i have a Fiance............a live in Fiance at that, we have a child together... & my co-worker knows this.Jesus help me.... He looks like he can pick me up...
. I have impure thoughts of him.......Am i a trollop??
We haven't fukked other than the thoughts in my mind.....i'm sure if i "keep getting coffee" with him things could get nasty but i feel like a cheater already....... Am i wrong to have these impure thoughts?? I need to back out on getting coffee with him but his fineness is stopping me. Go ahead call me me tramp and a whore... This may help me....
What would you do if you were in this situation???
Question: @Goddess_Godiva are you physically attracted to your fiance or are you just in love with him? Can he not "pick you up" seems like he's not enough man for you if this other dude's manliness is turning you on. Think its less the guy and more what your fiance doesn't have. the "other guy" will just be played by different dudes until you eventually give in. Am I off base?
*plays CB's Loyal on repeat
So there is this guy, we work in an office setting together, we flirt.....hell we flirt alot sometimes with a sexual innuendo, he's fine as fucck,muscular build..younger than me & he turns me on just by the way he looks at me
. I try to avoid him cause temptation is a bytch.....
. I think he's single but i am not sure.. He asked me to sit and have coffee with him on this saturday morning and i said yes.... But i have a Fiance............a live in Fiance at that, we have a child together... & my co-worker knows this.Jesus help me.... He looks like he can pick me up...
. I have impure thoughts of him.......Am i a trollop??
We haven't fukked other than the thoughts in my mind.....i'm sure if i "keep getting coffee" with him things could get nasty but i feel like a cheater already....... Am i wrong to have these impure thoughts?? I need to back out on getting coffee with him but his fineness is stopping me. Go ahead call me me tramp and a whore... This may help me....
What would you do if you were in this situation???
Only part I read, yes you are.So there is this guy, we work in an office setting together, we flirt.....hell we flirt alot sometimes with a sexual innuendo, he's fine as fucck,muscular build..younger than me & he turns me on just by the way he looks at me
. I try to avoid him cause temptation is a bytch.....
. I think he's single but i am not sure.. He asked me to sit and have coffee with him on this saturday morning and i said yes.... But i have a Fiance............a live in Fiance at that, we have a child together... & my co-worker knows this.Jesus help me.... He looks like he can pick me up...
. I have impure thoughts of him.......Am i a trollop??
We haven't fukked other than the thoughts in my mind.....i'm sure if i "keep getting coffee" with him things could get nasty but i feel like a cheater already....... Am i wrong to have these impure thoughts?? I need to back out on getting coffee with him but his fineness is stopping me. Go ahead call me me tramp and a whore... This may help me....
What would you do if you were in this situation???