@ that update
@Goddess_Godiva is delivering high quality top tier threads
baby don't pay attention to the rest of these dudes here...
you are singlehandedly revitalizing the Coli with these stories
see here's what a lot of guys fail to understand:
they come on here and complain about not being able to understand women and all of that...
but you are one of these women that we all seek to understand
we want to know what makes you tick
not in a bad way, but the reality is that you are the average woman in western society
what I like most about you is that you're keeping it real, and I can appreciate that

keep it real with us
you're the type of woman that I would want on my team... not as a b-u-d-d-y, but just as a woman that can give me insight into the mind of other women
you're the sexy woman that a breh should be "friends" with, but with no ulterior motive...
cause everybody knows that sexy women attract other sexy women...if a breh is friends with an attractive woman, the other women start to get curious about him and start trying to get to know him
so y'all leave
@Goddess_Godiva alone
let her tell her stories
so we can all eat