So there is this guy, we work in an office setting together, we flirt.....hell we flirt alot sometimes with a sexual innuendo, he's fine as fucck,

muscular build..younger than me & he turns me on just by the way he looks at me

. I try to avoid him cause temptation is a bytch.....

. I think he's single but i am not sure.. He asked me to sit and have coffee with him on this saturday morning and i said yes.... But i have a Fiance............a live in Fiance at that, we have a child together... & my co-worker knows this.Jesus help me.... He looks like he can pick me up...

. I have impure thoughts of him.......Am i a trollop??

We haven't fukked other than the thoughts in my mind.....i'm sure if i "keep getting coffee" with him things could get nasty but i feel like a cheater already....... Am i wrong to have these impure thoughts?? I need to back out on getting coffee with him but his fineness is stopping me. Go ahead call me me tramp and a whore... This may help me....
What would you do if you were in this situation???